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6A� <br /> a� TA� <br /> ORDINANCE NO. <br /> AN ORDINANCE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CI'T'Y OF SOUTH BEND, <br /> INDIANA, AMENDING THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 10165-12 <br /> WHICH IDENTIFIED THE BOUNDARIES OF A RIVERFRONT 1WVF1mPMF.N'I' <br /> PRO.IECT AREA UNDER IND. CODE, 7-3-20-16 <br /> STATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND INTENT <br /> On June 25, 2012 the South Bend Common Council passed Ordinance No. 10165-12 <br /> which identified the boundaries of a Riverfront Development Project for purposes of allowing <br /> special alcoholic beverage permits within this Riverfront area, under Ind. Code § 7.1-3-20-16'-- <br /> .l-3-20-16 <br /> (The Act). This ordinance became effective on June 26, 2012 when it was signed by Mayor fete <br /> Buttigieg. <br /> Ordinance No. 10165-12 was intended to include within its boundaries the reel estate <br /> located at 301 and 305 South Michigan Street, as well as other parcels which consist oI,Martial <br /> blocks, but it was recently discovered that, due to scrivener's error, such realty was not included <br /> in the Iegal description in Exhibit "13" to that Ordinance. This Ordinance rectifies that legal <br /> description oversight, and the Council finds that the newly described area is in a redevelopment <br /> area and that the amended legally described area meets all the requirements to qualify under The <br /> Act. <br /> NOW, 'I'll);Rl l'ORE BE IT ORDAJNED 13Y TI11 COMMON COUNCIL OF 'fill: <br /> CITY OF SOUTH 131:s"ND, INDIANA as follows: <br /> SI CTION' 1. Exhibits "A" and "B" to Ordinance No. 10165-12 which identify real estate <br /> within the boundaries of the Riverfront Development Project Area created by that Ordinance are <br /> hereby amended as set forth in "Amended Exhibits `A' and `B'," attached hereto and <br /> incorporated herein, which Amended Exhibits shall comprise the City's downtown Municipal <br /> Riverfront Development Project Area . <br /> SECTION 11. Because it was the intent from enactment of Ordinance No. 10 1 65-12 that <br /> the defined property be included within the original Riverfront Development Project Area <br /> ordinance, this ordinance upon passage by the Common Council and approval by the Mayor, <br /> shall be effective retroactive to June 26, 2012, the effective date of Ordinance No. 10165-12, <br /> Member, South Bend Cc�rvt`aarc��1 C:'ou��ei] <br /> omly to'viovdal en <br /> ind <br /> council adort on this I%*.3 ;: <br />