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CI"1Y OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> on time are paying more because they are covering the bad debt of those that don't. We wanted to <br /> prevent that from happening as much as we could, but still live within the letter of the legislation. <br /> That is why we've gone to this tiered approach where we've got part of this that we will still lien, <br /> and then we've got deposits to cover part of this, as well. Hopefully, that mitigates some of that <br /> but that is one (1) of the things we will look at. <br /> Councilmember Broden stated, I think that would be interesting in terms of the context of other <br /> cities and if they are having difficulties. Sometimes, or even oftentimes I'd say, these things are <br /> passed downstate without the real impact known on the local level. Some of that collaborative <br /> impact from other cities, I think, will be important to inform this a year from now. <br /> Committee Chair Teshka stated, We talked about how it is incumbent upon the landowner and the <br /> tenant to get those services transferred. Are there any efforts to push out and get this information <br /> out? Are we going to be in touch with REIA? Press releases? How is all that going to be handled? <br /> Ms. Thompson replied,We do plan on putting it inside the water and utility bill. In fact,we've had <br /> several property managers who have come to speak with us. We do plan to push that out to the <br /> folks who already have come and asked about it. Then we will have KBAs on our 311 Portal that <br /> explain the requirements for starting. <br /> Committee Chair Teshka stated, I know I've heard from a lot of landlords myself. I know they <br /> were following this legislation pretty closely, so, I think a broad swath of them are up to date. But, <br /> for those that aren't, I wanted to see what that was. <br /> Mr. Horvath stated, Mr. Miller's second (2nd) question earlier this afternoon was if someone had a <br /> bill and they weren't using. That is true. On sewer, we do have a base charge. Rate structures are <br /> all different and you've got variable rate structures that are increasing or decreasing or set. The <br /> way we've got ours set up is our fixed charges, which we've got certain costs that are fixed such <br /> as the sewer, the ground, the bill, those are all costs that aren't variable. Then we've got variable <br /> costs like how much water you use and how much sewer we have to treat, because we have to do <br /> additional electricity for that and treatment chemicals, all that stuff. A lot of the times,those fixed <br /> costs are built into a base charge and that is pretty common in utilities. You'll see it with electric <br /> utilities as well. So, if you didn't use any electricity in a month, you'll still get a base charge. That <br /> is same with the sewer, you'll still get a base charge. You just won't have that additional use <br /> charge. So, you'll be billed at zero (0) consumption, but you'll still have a bill. We have a base <br /> charge but that also includes a minimum use. <br /> Councilmember Tim Scott stated, I would like to discuss this at a later time.There have been some <br /> concerns about that. I think we and the public need more education on that. <br /> Councilmember Broden stated, Councilmember Teshka touched on this but I would also like to <br /> support the need for a real robust public awareness. 311 is kind of passive. They call 311 when <br /> they have a problem, but I think this potentially could blindside a lot of people who are trying to <br /> charge residency or start a rental situation. I think this is significant and even though that seventy <br /> dollars($70) I commend you for massaging the actual collection stuff,but nonetheless, a seventy- <br /> dollar ($70) charge that you have to overcome in order to start service, that is not a small charge <br /> for individuals in our community. As long as it's out there and people are aware, a multi-pronged <br /> approach would be beneficial. I appreciate you reaching out to the landlord side, but frankly they <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227 VV.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f574.235.9173 7TD 574.235.5567 <br /> 5 <br />