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CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> we don't set a cash reserve requirement for that because if you look at a capital fund,usually what <br /> you are expecting is that that capital fund will be spent down to zero (0) on the capital project it is <br /> intended for. So, usually we don't have a cash reserve requirement for capital projects funds, and <br /> you'll see that when we get to the actual numbers here in a second. Enterprise funds actually have <br /> a lower cash reserve requirement. They don't always have the twenty-five percent(25%)of annual <br /> expenditures requirement.The reason why is because there is a reciprocal relationship in enterprise <br /> funds. There is a reciprocal relationship between the revenues and expenditures. So, revenues <br /> increase when expenditures increase and when expenditures decrease, revenues decrease. They <br /> tend to move together in a way that is not always true in the governmental funds, where revenues <br /> and expenditures are sort of independent. Federal funds, and this is just a note, federal funds such <br /> as Bowman Cemetery,actually do have a specific dollar threshold that we do require. And the way <br /> we've determined that dollar threshold is a threshold that allows those funds to operate in <br /> perpetuity. So, for Bowman Cemetery, there's very little ongoing annual maintenance. So, what <br /> we said is if we keep a certain dollar threshold in that fund,the interest that we receive in that fund <br /> will actually fund all ongoing maintenance required for Bowman Cemetery. So, we don't have to <br /> put additional money into that fund. That's how we develop our cash reserve requirements and <br /> how we determine how it's going to go, the minimum amount of money we need to have on hand <br /> from a parliamentary perspective. <br /> He continued, This (referencing a slide in the presentation) is a summary, so I wanted to put this <br /> up here, this is a summary of a report that the Finance Department puts together monthly and it is <br /> sent out to the Council Members, as well as the Mayor's Office. It is online for the public, as well. <br /> So, our cash reserves, this shows cash available, compared to the reserve requirement and sort of <br /> the variance between the two (2). There are a couple things to note here. Cash available, this <br /> column here, is the total cash on hand minus outstanding encumbrances. So, we encumber funds <br /> for obligations that we have. That number represents outstanding obligations that we have. So, at <br /> the beginning of the year, for example, we encumber all of our debt service obligations for the <br /> entire year. Basically, we set that aside to say this cash is already spoken for, we can't use it on <br /> anything else because we have to pay our debt service with that cash. So, the cash available takes <br /> into account things we have already encumbered and set aside. The reserve requirement takes into <br /> account what I just talked about, referring to the different funds, and then the variance shows the <br /> difference between the two (2). You'll notice a couple of them on here, particularly from a trust <br /> fund perspective, are below the reserve requirement. That is due to, the trust funds especially, the <br /> Police Pension Fund and the Fire Pension Fund. The pension relief payments are received from <br /> the State in June and September, so we will be replenishing those funds as soon as we receive <br /> those pension agreements. <br /> He went on, Staying with the General Fund, again, the cash available verses the variance verses <br /> the reserve requirement is fairly close. We will be receiving a property tax payment in June that <br /> will replenish the General Fund to make sure we have a healthy difference between the cash <br /> available and the reserve requirement. A couple of other things to note on here, you'll note that we <br /> do meet the reserve requirements in most of the funds. The reserve requirements that we set are <br /> sort of the minimum. We want to be at a healthy level above that reserve requirement. We don't <br /> necessarily want to spend all the way down to that reserve requirement. We want to make sure that <br /> we have enough money in there to very comfortably meet that reserve requirement. <br /> Councilmember Sharon L. McBride asked, Could you talk a little bit more about the difference <br /> between the reserves for the capital and the internal services? <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227 W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 TrD574.235.5567 <br /> 6 <br />