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06-12-19 Personnel and Finance
Common Council
Committee Meeting Minutes
Personnel and Finance
06-12-19 Personnel and Finance
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City Council - City Clerk
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Committee Mtg Minutes
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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> what I was thinking about was you were at the presentation of the Century Center Board of <br /> Managers and what they would like to do ranges from $17.8 million to $60 million, or something <br /> like that. What kind of analysis goes into saying "Okay, where are we going to end up on that?" <br /> Mr. Parker replied, Yeah, so the Century Center Project is kind of in a league of its own in terms <br /> of the level of analysis and the types of analysis that need to go into that. I mean, there's a really <br /> more baseline analysis that needs to be done before we even get to what we talked about on what <br /> the vision is of what the Century Center can and should be. That needs to be done before we get <br /> to questions like, should it be $17 million? Should it be $20 million? $30 million? Should it be <br /> $40 million? That vision needs to drive everything. I don't know if that vision has been defined or <br /> at least been agreed upon by all important parties. So, I think that's the work that needs to be done <br /> and is being done right now, to bring on board all the affected parties. <br /> Committeemember Voorde stated,That is a fundamental change, changing what was conceived of <br /> and built as more of a community event center, to a pure convention center where all you're <br /> looking for all the time is lease space. <br /> Mr. Parker replied, What's being done right now is trying to pull all the stakeholders together and <br /> say, "Let's develop a vision that we all agree on with what this can and should be. <br /> Committeemember Voorde followed up, How about South Shore? <br /> Mr. Parker relied CenturyCenter and the South Shore are kind of the same category. are <br /> p � They <br /> just kind of outside of everything else that we're doing because they're so big, and they take such <br /> a well-grounded vision and participation from so many different stakeholders. It can't be the City <br /> of South Bend saying "Hey, this is what we're going to do with the Century Center" or the City of <br /> South Bend saying, "Here's what we're going to do on the South Shore." It needs to be multiple <br /> entities, cities, counties, everybody coming together and saying we rally around a vision,we agree <br /> with that vision, and here's what we can do to try to support and finance that vision. And I think <br /> that both of those projects are in the stages of bringing stakeholders to the table and figuring out <br /> what they should be and what they want them to be, and that's the necessary discussion before you <br /> get to financing. <br /> Committeemember Voorde followed up, Sometimes it's hard to measure the benefits because of <br /> all the things that could possibly happen afterwards. Hard to measure might be a good thing. <br /> Mr. Dunn interjected, Well, it's like you say, you want the stakeholders to review this, but those <br /> visions really are a lot of faith. And I hesitate to say it, but maybe to some extent, blind faith. We <br /> know that we will spend $100 million on our new railroad station that's going to pump all these <br /> millions into the economy, but we can't tell you exactly where those dollars are coming from, <br /> where they're going, and how in the heck we measure them halfway. <br /> Mr. Parker replied, And all I can say to that is that,just like you would with any investment you <br /> make personally, we do the analysis to try to see if the investments that we make are going to pay <br /> off, and nobody can predict the future no more than I can say "Hey, you should buy this stock or <br /> that stock", but we can say "Hey, this is what is likely to happen if we make these investments." <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION I INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building'227W Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 TTD 574.235.5567 <br /> 22 <br />
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