<br /> Building, we moved it into these Council Chambers. We want to make sure everyone can be
<br /> accommodated. With that, I will take questions.
<br /> Council President Tim Scott opened the floor to questions from Council Members.
<br /> Councilmember Dr. Oliver Davis stated, I would like to refer to our attorney. You and Mr.
<br /> Corcoran had talked. Can you share the content of that conversation?
<br /> Council Attorney Bob Palmer stated, We talked about Committee this afternoon and Council has
<br /> expressed some concerns about the interaction between the Administration and the Council. We
<br /> talked about the Council introducing a resolution to address those concerns and it would be in
<br /> conjunction with, but not necessarily at the same time as, this resolution being voted on. For
<br /> example, Tim and I spoke earlier, if the Council were to pass this tonight, a resolution will most
<br /> likely be passed, or at least introduced, at the next Council meeting, to outline the Council's
<br /> expectations and tensions with the Administration in completing these TIF realignments.
<br /> Mr. Corcoran replied, Just to note, we are happy to continue working with you in order to address
<br /> your concerns. I'd like to note that we delayed this action until today in order to take into account
<br /> Councilmember Broden's suggestions. To me, that is a willingness to work with everyone here to
<br /> work toward a mutually agreed upon solution.
<br /> Councilmember Jake Teshka asked, Is there a reason why there will be a separate resolution down
<br /> the road, and not just added as amendments tonight?
<br /> Council Attorney Bob Palmer replied, If this bill was amended, it would have to go through all of
<br /> the preliminary steps and through all the other commissions before it came back to Council. That
<br /> is why we were looking at a separate stand-alone resolution that the Council could pass on its own,
<br /> without any involvement from the other commissions it has had to go through and pass.
<br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden stated, Mr. Corcoran, thank you for your long work that really does
<br /> date back probably an entire year on this. I know some other members are here from the
<br /> department. So,thank you all for your work and for putting this together. I think it will bring clarity
<br /> to all of our decision processes. Whether it be at the Redevelopment Commission or the items that
<br /> eventually circulate to our desks and for our consideration as a Council. This really undergirds
<br /> those decisions. So, the clarity will be greatly appreciated, and I think an excellent tool going
<br /> forward. I also want to thank you for the delay and postponement and your work in considering
<br /> these amendments. I appreciate the changes that have been made. I think some of those are
<br /> significant and I'm glad the department and the Administration were supportive of those. Then I
<br /> think hitting the public meetings twice, the piece you did not have to do, I think it was smart and
<br /> I also appreciate that from the aspect of TIFs and realignment and, you know, lists of properties to
<br /> be acquired. All of that really didn't necessitate, in my opinion,the information sessions. I'm a bit
<br /> disappointed they weren't well attended because this is a very common question that we as elected
<br /> officials have to deal with. One(1) on one(1), phone conversations, in meetings, every time there
<br /> is an abatement, a TIF, I mean, this all comes up and it certainly was a topic of conversation in the
<br /> past primary election. So, thank you, on all of that.
<br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden continued, A couple follow-ups, if I might ask, the Baker Tilley,
<br /> the former Umbaugh group, the analysis and impact report, is that something that could be
<br /> accompanied into the record with this PowerPoint?
<br /> Mr. Corcoran replied, Those reports can be provided to you, obviously, but they are just part of a
<br /> step that is required to ensure that whatever we are doing is not having any negative impacts.
<br /> Because we are subtracting areas that are not generating TIF, it is basically no impact. But, I can
<br /> ask to make sure if we can, we will add it to the record. The PowerPoint will be available though.
<br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden followed up, With regard to the meeting, the next step on this, it is
<br /> going to the Redevelopment Commission. It said June 13`h. Do you have a meeting time for that
<br /> meeting that you can announce? I appreciate having it here in the Council Chambers.
<br /> Mr. Corcoran replied,The meeting time is the standard Redevelopment Commission meeting time.
<br /> That is 9:30 a.m.
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