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• <br /> Filed in Clerk's Office <br /> JUN 0 5 2019 <br /> KAREENI OWLER <br /> 2018 RENEWAL OF <br /> CITY CLERK,SOUTH BEND,IN <br /> INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SOUTH t ' t HUMAN <br /> RIGHTS COMMISSION AND THE COUNTY OF ST.JOSEPH FOR ENFORCEMENT <br /> OF THE COUNTY'S HUMAN RIGHTS ORDINANCE <br /> This Agreement is made and entered into this day of ,2018,by and <br /> between St.Joseph County,Indiana(the"County"),and the City of South(the City)through the <br /> South Bend Human Rights Commission(the"Commission"). <br /> WITNESSETH <br /> WHEREAS,on September 29, 2017 after approval by the St. Joseph County Council and <br /> the South Bend Common Council, and by the executives for each the County and the City, an <br /> Interlocal Agreement was entered whereby the Commission became the enforcement entity for <br /> claims made under the St. Joseph County Human Rights Ordinance that occur outside the <br /> corporate boundaries of the City of South Bend;and <br /> WHEREAS, that Interlocal Agreement expires by its terms May 1, 2018 unless the <br /> parties mutually determine whether to renew the Agreement for a similar or different term or to <br /> renegotiate the terms of this agreement; and <br /> WHEREAS, representatives of the Commission and the County have met and determined <br /> that the data developed so far is inadequate to be a reliable predictor of the cost to the <br /> Commission of providing enforcement services for the County Human Rights Ordinance, and <br /> that additional time is needed to assess the financial impact of such services upon the <br /> Commission;and <br /> WHEREAS, if County-generated case application and acceptance rates continue hereafter <br /> at around the same rate as they have been to date during this interim contract term, then at <br /> minimum, a part time staff person will be needed to service the County's case load;and <br /> WHEREAS, the parties believe it is in the best interest of the City and the County to <br /> continue the terms and provisions of the Interlocal Agreement through the remainder of calendar <br /> year 2018, but that the County should during the 2019 budget process appropriate approximately <br /> $30,000.00 for anticipated costs of the County's portion of the Commission's caseload assuming <br /> the same caseload level; <br /> NOW,THEREFORE,the County and the Commission agree as follows: <br /> 1. Renewal of Inter-Local Agreement. The Interlocal Agreement is hereby renewed <br /> through December 31, 2018 between the County and the Commission designating the <br /> Commission as the enforcing entity for claims under the St. Joseph County Human Rights <br /> Ordinance that occur outside the corporate boundaries of the City of South Bend. The City <br /> through the Commission will investigate and make recommendations for charges of <br />