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GUARANtees bonds were filed and approved' by the BOARD AS follows <br />rYUARANtee bond signed by the WHITE CON Struction COMPANY as <br />PRINcipal and MARYLAND CIBUAtlty COLIPANY' as' sureties for a, thre year guarantee <br />on ASPHALtie`concrete pavement on MCPAERSON STREEt, under IMPROVEMent RESOLUtion <br />NO. 903• -for the sum of L1516.21} <br />GUArantee bond signed by the SITE C0118truetion COMPANY as <br />PRINCIPAL a*n.d =rLA2uD CASUALty COMPANy as sureties for a three year period on <br />ASPHALtie concrete pavement on fELL9WS Street" and MILTON STRE et PAVEMENt, under <br />IMPROV Anent RESOLUTION NO. 896. for the 'sum of _ 9, 853.74 <br />i <br />GUArantee bond of the WKIte CO Struction COMPANY as PINRcipal <br />F and MARYLAnd. CASTJALty COMPANY• as sum�eties for a five year guarantee period on <br />ASPHALtic concrete pavement on BENTON COURt under IMPROVement RESOLUtion NO. 8$3. <br />fOR the sum of ................... "-II17.53 <br />GUARANtee band of. the WHITE CONStruction COMPANY as prrncipal <br />and MARYLAND CASUALty COMPANY as sureties wasfor a pert0d offive year on <br />asphaltic concrete pavement on MILTON STREEt from MIC IGAN STREEt to fELLOWS <br />STR pt for the sum of $2;502.23) <br />GUArantee bnAd of the WHITE CONSt,ruetion C0VOmy and MARYLAND <br />CASualty COMPANY as sureties for a period of 5 years on asphaltic concrete <br />pavement on MINER Street_ under IMPROVEIkent RESOLUtion NO. 873 for the sum of <br />552.60. <br />GUARANtee bond for a period of one year signed by HARRY ; <br />N. BArnes as xxg principal and CHAS. SUABEDissen and J. A. BARr1es as sureties <br />for pavement on -CENTER STREet, under IMPROVEM ant RESOLUtion NO. 892. for the <br />sum of $ - 525.45 <br />GUARANTEE bond for a peiod of one year signed by HARRY N. BArnes <br />as principal and CHAS. SUABEDissen.and J. A. BArnes as sureties for pavement on <br />CHESTNUt STREEt under IMFROXOAENt RESOLUtion NQO 851. frrfor the sum of $2;190 74 <br />