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735, <br />R'71T7E69DAY XQUEMBer 23rd- 1221. CONTTN&ghi <br />GUarantee bond for the sum of 4,768.36 for a three year, guarantee <br />on SAMPLE STREEt BRIDGe, JEffERSON STREet BRIDGe and NORTH MICHIgAn STRE BRIDGem <br />hunder IMPROVement RESOLution N0. 888, was filed by the WILLISton CONTRUction COMPANy <br />signed by the GLOBE INDemnity COMPANy by WM. HApp ATTOrney,in fact and approved this <br />23rdo day of NOvember 1921. <br />GUARANtee bond for the sum af, 11,777«95for ,gurantee for a period f <br />of 4iyear was filed by the WILLISton CONS,truetion COMpany and GLObe IMdemnity <br />Company W119 HAPp ATtorney in fact as sureties for the MEXican ASPhalt pavements in - <br />THcmpson STreet,,WILber STReet, STOcker PLAce j ADABs STReet- and COLLege \STREet, <br />in MARquette PARK under IMPROVement RESOLution NO 876, was approved by the BOARD. <br />ENGINeer filed .assessment roll and final estimate for grade, curb <br />and walk on RUEY'Street from KENWOOD Avenue to ROGErs STREEt, unde IMPROVement RESOLution <br />NO. 908. IN the CITY of SOU`F BEND, INDIAN. <br />`PESOLved that notices as tothe assessments be published for 'six <br />consecutive days commencing on the 28th. day of NOVEMber 1921 in the NEWS TI.Mes, stating <br />that this BOARD will give ahearing on the amount of assessments at its office in the CITY <br />HALL on the 7th. day of DEC619ber 1921at 7: L% P.M. <br />Resolved further that the entire Work ,under the above contract be <br />accepted and approved and the *final estimate thereon allowed. <br />ENGINeer filed assessment roll and final estimate for grade, curb <br />and walk on DUEY Avenue from. SOUTH' BEND AVe„ue to the NORth end of DUEY AVenue , under <br />IMProvement RESOLution 900 880. IN the CITY of SOUTH BEND, INDIANA. <br />ESOL*dd that notices as to the assessments be published on <br />for six consecutive days commencing on the 28th. day of NOVEMBer 1921 in the NEWS TIMes <br />stating that this BOARD will give a hearing on the amount of suchassessments at, its <br />office in the CITY HALL on the 7th. dau of DECEMBer 1921 at 7: L% P.M. <br />PESOLved furthe hat the entire work under the above contract be <br />accepted andapproved,and the final estimate thereon allowed. <br />