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Filed in Clerk's pffice <br /> MAY 30 2019 <br /> AGREEMENT FOR SALE AND PURCHASE OF REAL ES TE <br /> KAREEMAOFOH BEND,IN <br /> l'IIIS AGREEMENT FOR SALE AND PURCHASE OF REAL ES OTEG_. <br /> entered into by and between the Steve & Gene's, LLC, (hereinafter referred toas"Se1ler"), and <br /> Steven Hensley of St. Joseph County, State of Indiana, (hereinafter referred to as "Buyer"). <br /> WITNESSETH: <br /> Seller hereby agrees to sell to Buyer, and Buyer hereby agrees to purchase from Seller, the <br /> Following described Real Estate located in St. Joseph County. State of Indiana: <br /> A tract of land in the Southeast Quarter (1/4) of Section Twenty-Two (22), Township <br /> "Thirty-Seven (37) North range Two (2) East described as beginning at the Northeast <br /> corner of the Southeast Quarter (1/4) of said Section, thence running West to the One- <br /> Eighth Section line, a distance of Eighty and Ninety-Nine Hundredths (80.99) rods, <br /> thence running South on said One-Eighth Section line Fifty-"Three and Eighty Nine <br /> Hundredths (53.89) rods, thence running East Twenty Nine and Seventy-One I-Iundredths <br /> (29.71) rods, thence running North Twenty-Two and Sixty Nine Hundredths (22.69) rods, <br /> thence running East Fifty One and Forty Eight hundredths (51.48) rods to the East Line <br /> of said Section, thence running North Thirty One and Two Tenths (31.2) rods more or <br /> less to the place of beginning, containing Twenty (20) acres more or less. <br /> more commonly known as 3029 S. Linden Avenue, South Bend, IN 46614, together \•vith the <br /> following: <br /> A. All improvements, buildings, and fixtures which are presently located, <br /> installed, or in use on the above described Real Estate; <br /> 13. All equipment and personal property including,but not limited to, such lighting <br /> fixtures, window shades, venetian blinds, storm sash, screens, awnings, fences. <br /> landscaping, shrubbery, storm doors, traverse rods, drapery poles and fixtures, towel <br /> racks and bars, permanently installed floor coverings, and outside lights which belong to <br /> the above described Real Estate and are presently located, installed or in use on the above <br /> described Real Estate; <br /> C. All mechanical equipment (including, but not limited to, electrical and/or gas <br /> fixtures, furnaces, water heater(s), sprinkler system(s), air conditioner(s), disposal(s), <br /> incinerator(s), gas burner(s), oil burner(s), heat regulator(s), humidifier(s), water <br /> pump(s), sump pump(s), water softener(s) [except rental units], and plumbing fixtures,) <br /> which belong to the above described Real Estate and are presently located, installed, or <br /> in use on the above described Real Estate. <br /> -1: PURCHASE PRICE AND MANNER OF PAYMENT. The Purchase Price to be paid <br /> for the Real Estate by Buyer to Seller is the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars <br /> ($250,000.00), which sum shall be paid as follows: <br /> 1 <br />