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CITY OFSOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> properties. We are just not trying to integrate those units into our portfolio. This is one (1) of our <br /> tests outside of a different project that went through the Supportive Housing Institute. That will <br /> apply for tax credits and that is in Indianapolis. We also have another property that is one hundred <br /> percent(100%)for developmentally disabled adults. So,we provide complete wrap around support <br /> services in that scenario as well. We are versed with what it takes. We have some senior projects <br /> where we have service coordinators and other tools to really bring services. <br /> Committee Chair Ferlic opened the floor to members of the public wishing to speak in favor of or <br /> in opposition to this legislation. There were none. He then turned the floor back to the Committee <br /> for further comment or main motion. <br /> Committeemember Regina Williams-Preston stated, First (1St), I want to say thank you. It is <br /> exciting to see a project that helps a different income level. I wanted to see how many units we are <br /> looking at for lower income. You said at one(1)point that one hundred and forty(140)units were <br /> at eighty percent(80%) AMI? <br /> Mr. Schulte replied, The one hundred and forty(140) units is how many we expect to retain based <br /> on their current income. So, it is actually the number is about one hundred and eight (108) total <br /> fifty percent (50%) AMI units, thirty-one (31) or so sixty percent (60%) and the remainder are <br /> eighty percent(80%). <br /> Committeemember Williams-Preston made a motion to send Bill No. 19-34 to the full Council <br /> with a favorable recommendation. Committeemember Sharon L. McBride seconded this motion <br /> which carried by a voice vote four(4) ayes. <br /> Bill No. 19-35- Resolution to Approve of the Written Order of the Area Plan Commission <br /> Regarding the Proposed Tax Increment Finance (TIF) Area Realignment <br /> Tim Corcoran, Director of Planning for the Department of Community Investment with offices <br /> located on the 14th floor of the County-City Building, stated, So, as you know, starting late last <br /> year, we started talking to you about adjusting our TIF District boundaries. This is kind of a <br /> culmination of all that work. Also, behind the scenes, a lot of work has gone into what are called <br /> the development plans. They are sort of the backing plans behind these documents. They are <br /> simple,but they are important to have. It helps lay out the goals and objectives that we would like <br /> to see expending TIF funds in a particular area. So today, I want to talk to you about why we are <br /> adjusting the TIF boundaries (referencing a slide in a presentation which is available in the City <br /> Clerk's Office), what the adjustments are, some development plan updates and then where we are <br /> in the process of the timeline. <br /> He continued,By adjusting the boundaries, it is possible for the City to be forward-looking to fund <br /> future priorities and planning initiatives in the added areas as we create a plan. Such priorities <br /> include infrastructure, community assets and development projects. I will get into some of that in <br /> a moment. So, this (referencing a slide in the presentation) is the City of South Bend. These are <br /> our major arteries. These are the five (5) TIF Districts. We are talking about each one (1) but <br /> Douglas Road. We are not amending that one (1). The areas in grey are the areas being removed. <br /> The areas in orange are the areas we are adding. I will show this in a clearer way in a second. There <br /> are also two (2) parts in which we are swapping areas already in a TIF but swapping them to a <br /> different TIF District.The two(2)are removing a few properties from West Washington into River <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227 W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 I 10574.235.5567 <br /> 4 <br />