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c. Partner with organizations that offer internships, co-ops, apprenticeships, <br /> continuing education, lifelong learning, and other job training programs. <br /> Tax Increment Financing("TIF") District <br /> The South Bend Redevelopment Commission may implement the use of TIF within a <br /> redevelopment area pursuant to state law (I.C. 36-7-14). <br /> TIF districts target blighted areas in order to transform them into viable areas making the <br /> community more appealing and attractive for economic development, which creates a better <br /> quality of life for the districts' residents. TIF districts are powerful and effective tools that may <br /> provide financing for infrastructure improvements within redevelopment projects which may, in <br /> turn, entice market dollars back into abandoned and dilapidated areas. The lifespan of a TIF <br /> district varies based upon the time of its creation. <br /> TIF creates revenues for improvements without raising taxes, offers incentives for businesses <br /> and developers, and builds communities. TIF works by capturing additional property tax revenue <br /> due to the revitalization of a designated area. The assessment rate of the year in which the TIF is <br /> established is used as the base year, and tax revenues generated due to the increase in <br /> assessment over the base year assessment of properties within the TIF district are set aside for <br /> use in that TIF district. Thus, no new taxes or increases in tax rates occur, rather TIF funds are <br /> generated when property values improve due to the overall improvement of the TIF district. <br /> These TIF funds are placed in a special account and can only be used for public improvements <br /> within the TIF district. Public improvements include, but are not limited to, sidewalks, curbs, <br /> gutters, street paving and construction, water lines, wastewater lines, storm sewer lines, and <br /> storm water basin improvements in,serving, or benefitting the TIF district. <br /> Statutory Findings <br /> The West Washington Chapin Development Area Plan meets the following required findings by <br /> the Redevelopment Commission pursuant to state law (36-7-14-15(a)): <br /> 1. The West Washington Chapin Development Area is an area in the territory under its <br /> jurisdiction and is an area needing redevelopment; <br /> 2. The conditions described in state law(I.C. 36-7-1-3) cannot be corrected in the West <br /> Washington Chapin Development Area by regulatory processes or the ordinary <br /> operations of private enterprise without resorting to state law (I.C. 36-7-14); <br /> 3. The public health and welfare will be benefitted by the amendment of the resolution <br /> or plan, or both,for the West Washington Chapin Development Area; and <br /> 4. The amendment is reasonable and appropriate when considered in relation to the <br /> original resolution or plan for the West Washington Chapin Development Area and <br /> the purposes of state law (I.C. 36-7-14); and <br /> 5. The resolution or plan, with the proposed amendment, conforms to the <br /> comprehensive plan for the City. <br /> 5 <br />