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2016, unanimously passed the Cleaner Energy Resolution, and then, in 2018 signed on with <br /> Mayor Buttigieg to a"Repower Indiana" letter calling for 100% clean energy use by our utility <br /> supplier. In 2017, Mayor Pete Buttigieg signed the"We're Still In" letter,joining Climate <br /> Mayors world-wide affirming a commitment to the Paris Agreement on Climate, despite the <br /> United States' formal withdrawal from the talks; and <br /> WHEREAS, this and previous Councils have also supported other energy efficiency and <br /> renewable energy initiatives in the municipal budget, including but not limited to energy and <br /> water-efficient facilities, alternative fuel vehicles, reducing waste and paper use, and robust <br /> community education and engagement endeavors. The City of South Bend actively influences <br /> sustainable behaviors in our community, encouraging biking and walking, supporting mass <br /> transit, yard waste and recycling opportunities, and advocating for clean and affordable energy; <br /> and <br /> WHEREAS, by way of executive authority in April of 2018, Mayor Pete Buttigieg committed to <br /> the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy, and effectively joined South Bend to <br /> 9,296 cities representing 814 million people in a pledge to implement policies and to undertake <br /> measures to (i) reduce/limit greenhouse emissions, (ii)prepare for the impacts of climate change, <br /> (iii) increase access to sustainable energy, and (iv)track progress of these policies and measures <br /> in meeting or exceeding the Paris Agreement objectives; and <br /> WHEREAS, in keeping with our pledge, our City has already measured and reported both our <br /> community and government operation levels of greenhouse gases, we are next poised under this <br /> global framework on climate action to set a greenhouse gas reduction goal and create a climate <br /> action plan encompassing not only the City of South Bend's operations, but our community as a <br /> whole as defined by the geographic limits of our City; and <br /> THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the South Bend Common Council hereby supports the <br /> City Administration's current Q2/Q3 2019 initiative to develop a climate action plan that: <br /> specifies climate actions most impactful in South Bend, identifies ambitious but achievable <br /> greenhouse gas reduction goals customized to South Bend, includes both immediate internal <br /> actions and longer-term programs and policies, and outlines appropriate timelines for <br /> implementing the specific climate actions and achieving the greenhouse gas reductions; and <br /> THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the South Bend Common Council requests this plan be <br /> completed by the Fall of 2019, and the administration's planning process include appropriate <br /> stakeholder feedback, consider Council and administration priorities, including but not limited to <br /> opportunities for climate action to increase social equity, maximizing benefits and minimizing <br /> impacts on individuals and businesses; and consideration of any action through the lens of the <br /> "triple bottom line." This approach posits we can slow the pace of climate change in ways that <br /> save money, build a better quality of life for our residents, and drive economic growth. <br /> THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, and to this end of triple net returns, the South Bend <br /> Common Council will look to support the administration's current and future internal policies, <br /> ' <br />