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CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> the next three (3) to six (6) months. It will start at the Colfax substation and then work its way up <br /> to the new Muessel substation.We anticipate that whole project to be done in the summer of 2020. <br /> She continued, We also had the South Bend 138AD Rebuild Project. We got a new line that we <br /> basically rebuilt from our German substation to our South Bend substation. I mentioned to <br /> Councilmember Scott, the work there has already been done. At this point, we are just doing <br /> restoration work which we have to wait until the weather cooperates. It is looking pretty promising <br /> now, finally, so, that portion of the line has been done. It is energized, like I said, we are just <br /> waiting on the restoration to be complete there. There are two (2) other segments that are part of <br /> that overall project. The line actually starts over in New Carlisle and comes over to our German <br /> substation, then there is another piece that goes from our South Bend substation and goes to our <br /> Twin Branch substation. So,those two(2)segments are going to start. Likely,the first(1St)segment <br /> will go from New Carlisle to German, and that will likely start this summer. So, folks will see, <br /> basically,those last towers going down those new steel poles going up.Voltage is staying the same <br /> on those. <br /> She went on,Went Councilmember Teshka and I had touched base,he had asked that I provide an <br /> update on the street light situation and where we are at with those. If residents call and report <br /> streetlights, typically, they call and report it to the City. Marsha Qualls is who gets those and then <br /> she reports them over to us. We just got forty-three(43)reported last Wednesday and we actually <br /> got those fixed in the twenty-four(24)hour turnaround. Those are pretty good. We try to fix them <br /> between twenty-four(24)and forty-eight(48)hours.That is our goal.We don't always meet those, <br /> especially if they happen to be underground problems and it's not just changing a lightbulb out. <br /> Those tend to take a little bit longer,but it depends on workload and if there are outages or things <br /> of that nature, that would take priority over a streetlight. Does anybody have any questions? <br /> Councilmember John Voorde asked,On those transmissions towers,going from one(1)to another, <br /> what is the advantage there? <br /> Ms. Beggs replied, The steel towers right now are just old and outdated. The conductor is old, so, <br /> replacing those definitely improves the reliability in making sure that we are being proactive and <br /> not just waiting for something to fail and replace it later. <br /> Councilmember Tim Scott asked, Are you guys stringing new cables, right? <br /> Ms. Beggs replied, Yes. <br /> Councilmember Scott followed up, The Elwood Station,what is the timeline for that one(1)?You <br /> said Colfax was May 2020. <br /> Ms. Beggs replied, So, it will be called the Muessel, and the sitework is starting now and that will <br /> be completed in September of this year. That new station has to be up and running so we can take <br /> some of the load transfer. <br /> Councilmember Scott stated, Maggie, Tim Corcoran and I talked, and they are going to do more <br /> of an ornamental fence,too,so it's not just the chain link.That will help it fit into the neighborhood. <br /> Also,that lot,do you think you could find someone to clean that lot up? I rather ask you than Code. <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227 W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 TTD 574.235.5567 <br /> 2 <br />