REGULAR MEETING March 11, 2019
<br /> looking for a parking variance, sometimes people in the county have a different idea about what a
<br /> proper amount of parking is versus what it is in an urban area. Now, you have a conflict of
<br /> philosophy on that Board. This causes unnecessary debate and conflict that just doesn't lead to a
<br /> good outcome. We've been able to change the rules to help smooth that out but there are always
<br /> going to be instances when these things come up. I'd rather see people who understand what is
<br /> trying to happen answer those questions.
<br /> Councilmember Tim Scott stated, Kathy Schuth from the NNN, also made a comment where there
<br /> are times when she is making decisions on county issues that she might not have the understanding
<br /> to make that decision.
<br /> Councilmember John Voorde stated, You've understood my reluctance to embrace this out of the
<br /> box because I like to see things moving in the other direction, you know, shared services and that
<br /> kind of thing. Mostly for efficiency but also for streamlining and making government work better
<br /> for people. Bigger is not always better. But, I think now that I've had discussions with you and a
<br /> couple of other folks, this makes sense. So, I'm all for it. I know this is just for the hiring of a
<br /> couple of people but those couple of people, along with a third (3rd) person will probably start
<br /> looking at the revision of that zoning ordinance. I was asked that you extend an overture to
<br /> Mishawaka. Maybe they would be interested in sending someone to these preliminary meetings to
<br /> talk about how we are going to do things. We could learn from them,perhaps, and they could learn
<br /> from us. Especially if we're going to have one(1) of the best.
<br /> Mr. Corcoran stated, Yeah, that's what we are shooting for.
<br /> Councilmember John Voorde continued, We've gotten blessed with a lot of developers that work
<br /> regionally and the easier we can make it for them,that is less cumbersome,maybe Mishawaka and
<br /> the County could pick up on something we design. I think we would all be better off. The other
<br /> thing I would like to see is if we could somehow isolate the budget for the South Bend Plan
<br /> Commission, almost like a separate department,rather than get those numbers lost in professional
<br /> services and all those other things, in CI's budget. That is what I would like to say.
<br /> This being the time heretofore set for the Public Hearing on the above bill, proponents and
<br /> opponents were given an opportunity to be heard. There were none.
<br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden stated, I, too, was hesitant in moving this to the City of South Bend
<br /> and walking away from our current structure within the Area Plan Commission. Quite frankly,
<br /> over the last six (6) months, I've moved to strongly support this. I think while we are just talking
<br /> about hiring tonight, that is very significant to me because I think this timeframe from now until
<br /> the end of the year, having someone working the process as we actually redo the ordinance itself
<br /> at the same time, there is tremendous benefit to that. Once we hit the first (1St) of the year, it is as
<br /> smooth and as seamless as possible. Not just for the benefit for our developer community but I
<br /> also see additional benefits with regard to the neighbors,right? Because, in my opinion, all of this
<br /> comes down to fit and use of a particular property. There is nothing more personal,whether you've
<br /> purchased a property to build your dreams on, or if you're an existing long-time property owner,
<br /> there is nothing more personal, I think. So, getting this right is important for the developer, the
<br /> neighbors and I think, too, in the end, as you've said it comes to Council, everything prior to it
<br /> coming to us is advisory. I think the better tools we have and the peak we've seen with the zoning
<br /> ordinance, it looks like it's going to be more user friendly and, frankly, when I first (1St) came on
<br /> Council, and still,there is a lot that is just outright baffling about our existing ordinance. And, I'm
<br /> not a developer, but I'm a citizen that just occupies this seat and my ability to understand it at the
<br /> citizen level, I think, is really critical. I really like this. I appreciate Council asked the smart
<br /> questions during the budget process and kind of put a hold off on this to flesh this out a little more.
<br /> I appreciate the timeframe because I would have been a no-vote. So, I love the time that was taken.
<br /> I think ordinance packs in a couple things with regard to those individuals on these commissions
<br /> and boards and that they be properly trained, annually, in their duties and that they are properly
<br /> staffed. Not just with the Zoning Administrator, the Assistant, etcetera and the folks who actually
<br /> crank out the reports, but that there also be knowledgeable, and at this point I would like to see
<br /> independent, legal counsel. I think in the end, everything before it comes to us is just a
<br /> recommendation. It's advisory. I think when it hits us, you know, we have to be ready to go, one
<br /> (1) way or the other. I think the more we can work this out on the staffing side, as a petitioner
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