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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> presenting to give an update on March 1 to let us know where they are. We need to see what <br /> steps we need to take, as Council, and hopefully will end up implementing that ordinance. We will <br /> be working diligently on that ordinance. We also need to keep our eyes on the bonds and TIF as <br /> well. I think we are doing a good job. We need to have the public better understand how the bonds <br /> are working and how TIF is being utilized. So, I think it would be great for us to learn and grow <br /> together with that. <br /> Committee Chair McBride then opened the floor to Committee Members. <br /> Committeemember Erin Patzkowsky stated, This is both of our second(2nd) year so, thank you for <br /> having us back. I professionally work for NIBCO and I am the E-Commerce Director and I was <br /> born and raised in South Bend. I joined this Committee because I went to ICU Daycare on the <br /> corner of Chapin and Lincolnway and that really instilled the sense of community in me. That is <br /> where my passion started, and I would like to get back to that. That is the goal I have for our <br /> Committee is keeping the kids involved during the summer months. There is no one really <br /> watching them but I'm excited to be here. <br /> Committeemember John Mazurkiewicz stated, This is actually my third(3rd)go-around. Anyhow, <br /> it is a pleasure. I'm a long-time resident. I am on the Board of DTSB. I work right across the street. <br /> I hang out at Potawotomi Park and various other parks around the City, so, I am very much in tune <br /> to what is going on. Some of the things we learned on the bus tour last year surprised the hell out <br /> of me. The fact we have things like that going on in South Bend, I don't see some of that. So, it is <br /> good to see and address some of that. Obviously, I am looking forward mostly to the opening of <br /> Howard Park. I get to drive by it about six(6)times a day coming to and from work.What is going <br /> on over there, it is phenomenal. We are here for Thanksgiving because, I keep telling everybody, <br /> Tim is going to be frying a turkey down there. Anyhow, I think that will be the big highlight here <br /> in South Bend. That park needed something. I'm looking forward to it. <br /> Committee Chair McBride then opened the floor to Council Members. <br /> Councilmember Karen White stated, I just wanted to add to your list, I know since the Wooden <br /> Indian has been taken down, it was long over-due, and we have all that space. I think some <br /> administrators have been in conversation with some City officials to really begin to look at what <br /> that site will look like. It's been leveled, and it is a prime area to have some partnerships with. <br /> Committee Chair McBride stated, I'm glad you brought that up. I was at the River Park <br /> Neighborhood Association meeting and the Chancellor from IUSB talked about the green space <br /> there. I think they are doing something as well. So, I will follow up to see what that looks like. <br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden stated, A couple quick things. You mentioned TIF funding but, of <br /> interest, I think, perhaps to the Council, would be our budget project alignment to budget. So, we <br /> have quite a few bonds out there with different various dates and projects tied to them. A real good <br /> score sheet and progress report on a regular pace, I think for the Council's and community's <br /> benefit. There have also been some projects that have costed more because of where we are. So, I <br /> just want to make sure that we're all on top of that.I think that actually would require some tracking <br /> at a divisional level. So, if there is a way to do that, that would be great. We have the performing <br /> areas, then the green space, you've got Century Center, but getting down to that detail and a good <br /> thorough report that would sort of get at both of those things, that would be of interest. <br /> EXCELLENCE j ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 TTD 574.235.5567 <br /> 2 <br />