<br /> Councilmember Broden asked, What about Bendix? There is significant work going on there.
<br /> Mr. Horvath replied, I would have to look at the plans, I don't recall if those are already separated
<br /> or not. But every chance that we get,we're looking at either separating or taking water sources off
<br /> the line. It's not legal for us to add new sources to it, so that is something we have to be very
<br /> cognizant of. I think we do have some separation on Bendix as well.
<br /> Councilmember Broden asked, Douglas,right?But with the County, is that some type of exchange
<br /> on the work on that? I thought I saw it at MACOG.
<br /> Mr. Horvath replied, That's the sewer lift station there.
<br /> Sue Kessim, 4022 Kennedy Drive, stated, I would like to do a little more research on those sewer
<br /> liners so I was just wondering the brand or what they're called.
<br /> Mr. Horvath stated, We write specs and bid all of that out every year, and last year Insituform got
<br /> the bid. This year, I think Reynolds Inliner if I recall, was the one (1) that won the award. They
<br /> use very similar processes, and it is just a tube that they blast into the sewer and it has a curing
<br /> agent and it cures and becomes really hard, so it becomes a pipe within a pipe. We're doing it on
<br /> small sewers, and we're also doing it on very large sewers. The last segment we did was the
<br /> Bowman Creek area. We're getting a lot of filtration in one (1) of those major lines that goes by
<br /> Riley and up towards LangLab. It helps tremendously. What happens is, these old sewers in
<br /> particular, a lot of them have low ground water level and you have a ton of water coming in as
<br /> they crack over time. Some of them, in the good old days, in the 1890's, all of these sewers went
<br /> to the river. It wasn't until 1956 that we had a treatment plant. Every time you built a sewer, you
<br /> built it to the river. Sometimes they wouldn't even put the pipes together, they would leave gaps
<br /> on purpose so it would help get water to lower the ground water table so the water wouldn't go
<br /> into basements. We just have a lot of leaky sewers because they didn't use to worry about it too
<br /> much. So that's what we're trying to prevent. With the sensors in the sewers, we can figure out
<br /> where we have the leakiest sewers, so we look at, in particular, certain times like 3:00 a.m. We
<br /> know there should be very little flow going through the sewer at that time. If we see a lot of flow,
<br /> we know that is mostly inflow and infiltration coming in.
<br /> Ms. Kessim continued, I was thinking there was an issue about a size by Holy Cross College,
<br /> where it was going smaller or something and that was creating some problem with the flooding or
<br /> something. There was a size differential.
<br /> Mr. Horvath stated, That is on Angela. That area has been separated, so it might look a little odd.
<br /> If you built sanitary only sewers in that area,only to handle the flushing coming from those homes,
<br /> you can use a much smaller pipe. So typically, a neighborhood like that might have an eight (8)
<br /> inch line or a ten (10)inch line, and those can handle hundreds of homes. When you're looking at
<br /> the amount of flow that it will take, it depends on the type of pipe. In the old days, when they had
<br /> both the rain water and the sanitary sewer on it,they had to make them bigger. If we don't,it backs
<br /> up in the basement. So you could have a twenty-four(24)inch line that really, for sanitary reasons,
<br /> only needs to be eight(8) inches,but it is built as a twenty-four(24)because it has to handle some
<br /> of the stormwater as well. When you redo them, sometimes they won't redo certain pipes because
<br /> they're in good shape. You might have a pipe in there that is bigger than it needs to be. It looks
<br /> odd because you might have an eighteen (18) inch pipe going into a ten (10) inch pipe, but the
<br /> 455 County-City Building 227 W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f574.235.9173 I 10574.235.5567
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