<br /> concentration and highest probability that there are real and true health and safety violations that
<br /> people are suffering, rather than saying we don't really have the data and we won't know until we
<br /> go in. To me, that sounds like it's not data-driven, obviously. I think it is kind of like throwing
<br /> things to the wind. It might increase cost, time and energy and still not be as effective, do you
<br /> know what I'm saying? It won't hit the families we need.Again,I'll repeat,we already know about
<br /> some of these large housing complexes. We've had complaints. So,maybe now is not the time but
<br /> maybe it is. I want to understand what it is we are doing about that and do those, somehow, fall
<br /> under this in a way? So, are there a certain number of complaints you have to receive before you
<br /> go in? What's the plan? How does this address those large complexes? How can we get in there?
<br /> I thought I heard you say something about that at another meeting. I would like to know more.
<br /> Ms.Johns replied,First(1st)of all, I would like to clarify.The eight hundred and twenty-nine(829)
<br /> housing cases that were open this year, the majority of those are not going to be complaint based.
<br /> Our inspectors drive around the neighborhoods to identify, from the exterior only, issues they see.
<br /> That is one(1) of the reasons why we can't extrapolate the information on what is going on inside.
<br /> Some of these cases have been open since 1998 and nothing has been done. So, based on the
<br /> exterior conditions we see, such as holes, you can assume there are some kind of interior issues
<br /> going on but we have not been invited into those properties and that is why we don't know. That
<br /> is the reason we can't give good information on that because the majority of them we have are
<br /> exterior.
<br /> She continued, As for multi-units, if we go out and find one (1) structure or unit is in violation,
<br /> once we go out and we see there is an issue on that property, even if they have passed previously
<br /> and their certificate is valid, if there is a property that is found to be in violation, that does give us
<br /> the authority to go in and reinspect as many of those properties as we want to, based on that
<br /> percentage we've established. So, if we do get a call about a multi-unit, they may have had a five
<br /> (5) year certificate originally, but we see there is a unit in terrible condition and it has been
<br /> neglected, then we would be able to question the other units and we can go in and take a look at
<br /> those, too.
<br /> Councilmember Williams-Preston followed up, So, to clarify, a complex with one hundred and
<br /> fifty(150), and let's not talk about right now,today, if someone calls and there is a complaint,you
<br /> go in and there is a real problem, and you see that, what do you do?
<br /> Ms. Johns replied, It would be in our best interest to go ahead and do that inspection on that unit
<br /> then because then we wouldn't have to come back and do it separately. We can start that process
<br /> at that moment.
<br /> Councilmember Williams-Preston followed up, So, you do that, and then if you've heard people
<br /> say there are others in that complex who have that same problem,what do you do?
<br /> Ms. Johns replied, Well,one (1)of our goals was to take all this information to the owners as well
<br /> as the tenants. Hopefully, those other tenants will contact us. We want to make sure they know
<br /> they won't get in trouble for calling us. If they do, or if we have someone call in a complaint, as
<br /> long as it is the owner or the tenant, we will be able to go into those properties and take a look at
<br /> it to do the report.
<br /> 455 County-City Building 227 W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 I 10574.235.5567
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