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1400 COUNTY-CITY BUILDING <br />227 W JEFFERSON BOULEVARD <br />SovTx BEND, INDIANA 46601-1830 <br />~: <br />PHONE 574/ 235-9241 <br />FAx 574/235-9892 <br />TDD 574/ 235-5567 <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND STEPHEN J. LUECKE, MAYOR <br />DEPARTMENT OF I.AW <br />CHARLES S. LEONE ALADEAN 1VI. DEROSE <br />CITY ATroRNEY CHIEF AssISrANT Crrr ATroRNEY <br />January 25, 2008 <br />Mr. Timothy A. Rouse <br />President, South Bend Common Council <br />4`~ Floor, County-City Building <br />South Bend, IN 46601 <br />Re: Postponement of Second and Third Reading of Bill No. 82-07 <br />Dear Mr. Rouse: <br />This letter is to request that second and third reading on Bill No. 82-07 be postponed to <br />February &4, 2008. <br />As you will recall Bill 82-07 serves to update the list of South Bend Municipal Code <br />violations summarized at Chapter 2, Article 19, Section 2-213(a). Hearing was postponed from the <br />Council's last meeting in order forme to amend B 11182-07 to list only those penalties the City Clerk <br />is authorized to collect. <br />I furnished a proposed substitute Bi11 to Council Attorney Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand for <br />review, but it appears that further revision and discussion between use will be necessary. For this <br />reason I am requesting a postponement of Council action to February 24, 2008. <br />Thank you for this accommodation. <br />Sincerely, <br />~,.. ~ ~ ~ . <br />~' ~f ~~~~~~~c ~1 <br />~~Aladean M. DeRose ' <br />Chief Assistant City Attorney <br />AMD/cw <br />cc: Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand <br />~it~d to ~Ct~r#~'~ ~ffE~e <br />JAN 2 $200$ <br />THOMAS L. BODNAR CHERYL A. GREENS ANN-CAROL NASH <br />JEFFREY M. JANKOWSKI SHAWN E. PETERSON JEFFREY L. SANFORD JOHN E. SADDEN <br />