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North/South alley to the Southeast corner of said Lot 46; thence East across the 12 foot <br />alley right of way to the Northwest corner of lot 72, Chapin Place 15` Plat; thence East <br />along the North line of Lot 72, 120 feet, more or less to the West right of way line of <br />Park Avenue; thence continuing East, 60 feet, more or less across the Park Avenue right <br />of way to the East right of way line of Park Avenue; thence South along said East line <br />of Park Avenue to the South line of Lot 4, Anderson's 151 Subdivision; thence East <br />along said South line of said Lot 4 to the West right of way line of the first North/South <br />alley East of Park Avenue; thence continuing East,10 feet to the East right of way line <br />of said North/South alley; thence South along said East line of said North/South alley <br />to the Southwest corner of Lot 7, Anderson's 15` Subdivision; thence East along the <br />South line of said Lot 7 and Lot 8 of Anderson's 15` Subdivision a distance of 94 feet, <br />more or less to the East line of said Lot 8; thence North, 117 feet, more or less along <br />said East line of Lot 8 to the South right of way line of Riverside Drive; thence East <br />along said South line of Riverside Drive to the West right of way line of LaFayette <br />Blvd; thence South along said West line of LaFayette Blvd to the North right of way <br />line of Marion Street; thence West along said North line of Marion Street to the East <br />right of way line of the first North/South alley West of LaFayette Blvd; thence <br />continuing West across the 14 foot right of way of said North/South alley to the West <br />line of said alley, said point also being the Southeast corner of Lot 51, Henricks and <br />Grants Addition; thence South across the right of way of Marion Street, 82.5 feet to the <br />South right of way line of Marion Street, said point also being the intersection of the <br />South line of Marion Street and the west right of way line of the first North/South alley <br />West of LaFayette Blvd; thence South along said West line of the North/South alley, <br />410 feet, more or less to the point of beginning. Reference by common address, see <br />Exhibit A attached hereto and herein. <br />Section 2: The Historic Preservation Commission of South Bend and St. Joseph County, <br />and the neighborhood association, together shall adopt guidelines for historic preservation within <br />the Chapin Park Local Historic Preservation District. <br />Section 3: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage by <br />the Common Council, approval by the Mayor, and legal publication. <br />CI~.~~ ~, ~~~~.~ <br />Member of the Common Council <br />Attest: <br />4 <br />