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1400 COUNTY-CITY BUILDING <br />227 W. JEFFERSON BOULEVARD <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA 46601-1830 <br />PHONE 574/235-9241 <br />FAx 574/235-9892 <br />TDD 574/ 235-5567 <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND STEPHEN J. LUECKE, MAYOR <br />DEPARTMENT OF LAW <br />CHARLES $. LEONE <br />CFIYATTORNEY June 1, 2005 <br />Ms. Charlotte Pfeifer <br />President, South Bend Common Council <br />4`I' Floor, County-City Building <br />South Bend, IN 46601 <br />Re: Bill No. 31-OS <br />O'Brien Recreation Center Lease Addendum <br />Substitute Version <br />Dear Ms. Pfeifer: <br />ALADEAN M. DEROSE <br />CHIEF ASSISTANT CITYATTORNEY <br />Attached for filing with the South Bend Common Council is a substitute Bill No. 31-05. <br />When initially presented for filing, this Bill was missing specific information concerning the <br />semiannual lease payment amount and other details. All of the missing information and detail is now <br />contained in the ordinance. A copy of Bi1131-05 highlighting the changes between the original and <br />substitute version is enclosed to assist Council members identify the changes. <br />Also enclosed for the benefit of Council members is a complete copy of the Second <br />Addendum to Lease between the City of South Bend and the South Bend Building Corporation <br />concerning the O'Brien Recreation Center. <br />Thank you for your understanding. <br />Sincerely, <br />(//-r ~~~c'~~~~LC <br />Aladean M. DeRose <br />Chief Assistant City Attorney <br />AMD/cw <br />Enclosure <br />cc: Catherine Fanello <br />Randy Rompola <br />THOMAS L. BODNAR CHERYL A. GREENE ANN-CAROL NASH <br />JEFFREY M. JANKOWSKI JOHN R. LMNGSTON ,JEFFREY L. SANFORD JOHN E. BRODEN <br />