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Date Filed <br />Date received by the Area Pian Commission <br />Application No. <br />I (we) the undersigned make application to the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana to <br />amend the zoning ordinance as herein requested. <br />1) The property sought to be rezoned is located at: <br />305 E. EDISON ROAD, SOUTH BEND, IN, 46615 <br />2) Name and address of property owner(s) of the petition site: <br />PATRICK SULLIVAN <br />802 CATALPA <br />MISHA~VAKA, IN., 46615 <br />(574)276-3176 <br />3) Name and address of contingent purchaser(s), if applicable: <br />SONORA PROPERTIES OF INDIANA, LLC (to be formed) <br />525 NORTH 17T", NILES, MI, 49120 <br />AGENTS: Janice Hensel and Julene Donohue <br />269-683-6335 or269-684-8345 <br />4) It is desired and requested that this property be rezoned <br />from "SFI" SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL <br />to "LB" LOCAL BUSINESS <br />5) This rezoning is requested to allow the following use(s): <br />BEAUTY SALON <br />6) Attached is a copy of (a) legal description of the property; (b) seventeen (17) preliminary site plans; (c) <br />a statement of purpose and intent; (d) a list of names and addresses of all property owners and the tax key <br />numbers for all properties within 300 feet of the petition property; and (e) addressed, stamped envelopes <br />for all property owners within 300 feet of the petition property (f) a location map, if available, drawn to <br />scale, which includes street names, printed in 8 1/2'~c 11' format. <br />+~ ~Janice D. Hensel ~ Julene D. Donohue <br />\, <br />PETITION PREPARED BY: ~-~ <br />JULENE DONOHUE <br />525 NORTH 17T" <br />NILES, MI., 49120 <br />(269)683-6335 <br /> <br />Filed in Clerk's Office <br />0 EC - 3 2nr~~ <br />JOHN VOORDE <br />CRY CLERK, S0. BEND, IN. <br />