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ORDINANCE NO. <br /> AN ORDINANCE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br /> INDIANA, APPROPRIATING AN ADDITIONAL $100,000 IN CITY GENERAL FUND <br /> #101 CODE ENFORCEMENT DEPARTMENT FOR ILLEGAL DUMPING CLEANUP <br /> ACTIVITIES TO BE PERFORMED BY SOLID WASTE DEPARTMENT AND <br /> REIMBURSED FROM GENERAL FUND #101 TO SOLID WASTE OPERATING <br /> FUND #610 IN 2012 <br /> S'T'ATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND INTENT <br /> On January 9, 2012, this Council passed Ordinance No. I0145-12 which appropriated <br /> $130,000 for the purpose of covering all costs to enable cleanup of certain illegal dumping. The <br /> appropriation approved by Ordinance No. 10145-12 covered the period ending June 30, 2012, <br /> after which the program was to be evaluated for its efficacy. The Council now finds that the <br /> illegal dumping program has been highly successful, that it should be continued through the <br /> remainder of calendar year 2012, and that an appropriation of an additional $100,000 is <br /> necessary for this purpose, i.e., a total of$230,000 in funds for calendar year 2012. <br /> NOW, 'I HERI 1,ORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY 'I-TIE COMMON COUNCIL, OF "1-1 lE <br /> CITY OF SOUTI I I31ND, INDIANA, as follows: <br /> SEC'T'ION 1. The sum of$100,000 is hereby appropriated and set aside within the Code <br /> Enforcement Department of the City General Fund #101 for the purpose of defraying the <br /> expense necessary to perform the cleanup of illegal dumping activities for the period June 30, <br /> 2012 through December 31, 2012. <br /> SECTION 1I. The cleanup activities will be performed and expended by the City <br /> Department of Solid Waste Fund #610, with reimbursement of incurred expense from the Code <br /> Enforcement Department of the City General fund i#101. <br /> SECTION TIT. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage <br /> by the Common Council and approval by the Mayor. <br /> Member, South Bend Common Cn oi ncil <br /> Attest: <br /> City Clerk <br />