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SPECIAL MEETING <br />JUNE 27, 2012 50 <br />case's progression. <br />Paragraph 10) Be responsible for the discovery of additional witnesses, evidence and <br />alleged suspects that may not have been uncovered by Uniform Division Investigation. <br />Dated this 27th day of June 2012. <br />FILING OF CHARGES NO. 2012-05 — CHRISTOPHER BORTONE <br />In a letter to the Board, Police Chief Charles Hurley requested the Board terminate Patrolman <br />Christopher Bortone's employment with the South Bend Police Department. Upon a motion by Ms. <br />Vasquez, seconded by Mr. Collins and carried, the following Charges were approved to be served <br />upon Patrolman Bortone. <br />FACTUAL ALLEGATIONS <br />On Wednesday, March 31, 2012 at approximately 11:05 p.m. Patrolman Christopher Bortone was <br />dispatched to the Meijer Store located at 3600 N. Portage in reference to a shoplifting case. Officer <br />Bortone spoke with the manager and the loss prevention officer for the store and was told the amount <br />of items stolen was six hundred, fifty -six dollars, and ninety seven cents ($656.97). Patrolman <br />Bortone was given the suspects information and a vehicle description. Patrolman Bortone went code <br />one (documentation that he was at the call) and put a note in that code one that Loss Prevention did <br />not want a code two (actual police report). This was discovered on April 27, 2012 when another <br />officer went to take a police report of a larceny involving the same suspect. <br />On June 3, 2012 Patrolman Bortone was questioned about this incident and he stated that the loss <br />prevention officer did not want a report, but that he sent an MDT (mobile data terminal) message to <br />the other officers in the area with the suspect and vehicle description. In checking with computer <br />services a search was performed of any transmittals being sent by Patrolman Bortone on March 31, <br />2012 from 10:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. on April 1, 2012 and there was nothing found regarding sending <br />out information about a suspect and vehicle to other officers. Patrolman Bortone also stated he drove <br />to Walmart and advised their loss prevention of the suspect and what had occurred at the Meijer <br />store. In speaking with the manager that was on duty at Walmart that evening, they do not recall <br />talking with an officer. They also stated that their loss prevention employees do not work past 10:00 <br />p.m. <br />COUNT I. <br />Patrolman Bortone is found to be untruthful regarding this incident, which reflects unfavorably upon <br />him and upon the South Bend Police Department. Patrolman Bortone has violated the following <br />section of the South Bend Police Department Duty Manual: <br />Violation of Duty Manual Sections 302.00 (21 )(34): Rules of Conduct: <br />A. Officers: <br />21. Shall obtain information in an official and courteous manner and act upon it <br />in a proper and judicious manner within the scope of their duties and <br />consistent with Departmental procedures whenever any person applies for <br />assistance or advice, or make complaints or reports, either by telephone or in <br />person. <br />34. Shall truthfully answer all questions relating to the scope of their <br />employment and operations of the Department which may be asked of them. <br />Officers shall cooperate fully with any internal investigation <br />COUNT II. <br />Patrolman Bortone is found to be untruthful regarding this incident, which reflects unfavorably upon <br />him and upon the South Bend Police Department. Patrolman Bortone has violated the following <br />section of the South Bend Police Department Duty Manual: <br />Violation of Duty Manual Section Section 419.00: Dispatch Report /Code One: <br />Section 419.00: <br />1 <br />I <br />