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WHEREAS, Indiana law (Ind.Code § 36-7-4)prescribes local planning and zoning, and <br /> accordingly, serves to define the powers, structure and membership of the South Bend Plan <br /> Commission and the Board of Zoning Appeals along the following lines: <br /> Plan Commission: Nine (9) members <br /> - One(1) member appointed by the Common Council from its membership <br /> - One(1) member appointed by the Board of Park Commissioners <br /> - One(1) member or designated representative appointed by the Board of Public <br /> Works <br /> - The City Engineer or a qualified assistant appointed by the City Engineer <br /> - Five(5) citizen members, of whom no more than three(3)may be of the same <br /> political party, appointed by the Mayor <br /> Board of Zoning Appeals: 5 members <br /> - Three(3) citizen members appointed by the Mayor, of whom one(1)must be a <br /> member of the plan commission and two (2)must not be members of the plan <br /> commission <br /> - One(1) citizen member appointed by the Common Council, who must not be a <br /> member of the plan commission <br /> - One (1) member appointed by the Plan Commission from the Plan Commission's <br /> membership, who must be a county agricultural agent or a citizen member of the <br /> Plan Commission other than the member appointed above; and <br /> WHEREAS, adequate staffing will be critical to ensure the successful implementation of <br /> an updated Zoning Ordinance, the seamless transition from the current Area Plan Commission <br /> and the administration of the Zoning Ordinance to promote vibrant neighborhoods; however,the <br /> budget for fiscal year 2019, passed unanimously by the Common Council on October 8, 2018, <br /> included adequate staffing resources, but the Department committed to not fill the Zoning <br /> Administrator and Zoning Specialist positions until adoption of this Resolution by the Common <br /> Council. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the City of South <br /> Bend, Indiana as follows: <br /> SECTION I. The Department shall continue to work in close partnership with the South <br /> Bend Common Council to amend the existing Zoning Ordinance to promote further investment <br /> in South Bend's community, reduce unnecessary bureaucracy, and enable vibrant mixed-income <br /> neighborhoods. <br /> SECTION II. The Department shall with the Council's Chair of the Zoning and Annexation <br /> Committee establish a process and updated schedule as Zoning Ordinance reform efforts <br /> commence to enhance usability from the perspectives of property owners, developers, residents, <br /> and administrators. <br /> SECTION III. After consultation with the Area Plan Commission staff and the Common <br /> Council, the Department shall finalize and share implementation details, including the timeline <br />