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(f) An owner shall not allow a rental unit to be occupied that has been issued a vacate and seal <br /> order by the Department or is condemned by any agency that has the authority to condemn. <br /> Sec. 6-82. Inspection of rental units. <br /> (a) Unless sub-section 6-82 (n) below is applicable, each rental unit covered by Sees. 6-79 and 6- <br /> 81 within the City shall be inspected by the Department. <br /> (b) At the start of the Rental Safety Verification Program, the initial inspection cycle will be one, <br /> two, four, or five years. Thereafter, the inspection cycles are subject to adjustment as <br /> established and published by the Department pursuant to Sec. 6-87. <br /> (c) Inspection cycle certification paths are as follows: <br /> Inspection Certification Path <br /> Initial Inspection—Passes& Single-family property or duplex will be issued a five-year <br /> Initiated Contact with the inspection certificate. <br /> Department for Initial <br /> Inspection Multi-family property will be issued a five-year inspection <br /> certificate. <br /> Rental units qualifying for a five-year inspection certificate are <br /> potentially eligible for a self-certification program that may be <br /> implemented by the Department. <br /> Initial Inspection—Passes Single-family property or duplex will be issued a four-year <br /> inspection certificate. <br /> Multi-family property will be issued a four-year inspection <br /> certificate. <br /> Rental units qualifying for a four-year inspection certificate are <br /> potentially eligible for a self-certification program that may be <br /> implemented by the Department. <br /> Initial Inspection—Fails Re-inspection must be conducted within no later than sixty (60) <br /> days. <br /> No fees are imposed for first re-inspection. <br /> Single-family property or duplex upon passage of the first re- <br /> inspection will result in a four-year inspection certificate. <br /> Multi-family property upon passage of the first re-inspection will <br /> result in a four-year inspection certificate. <br /> Additional Re-Inspection(s) Re-inspection(s)must be conducted within no later than sixty <br /> -Fails (60) days. <br /> 5 <br />