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(v) Operator means any person who has charge, care or control of a structure or rental unit which <br /> is let or offered for occupancy. <br /> (w) Owner means any person, operator or agent thereof having legal or equitable interest in the <br /> property;or recorded in the official records of the state, county or municipality as holding title <br /> to the property; or otherwise having control over decisions on the use and condition of the <br /> property, including the guardian of the estate of any such person, and the executor or <br /> administrator of the estate of such person. <br /> (x) Owner of Record means any person who holds any fee interest, life estate interest, or equitable <br /> interest of a contract purchaser and whose identity can be determined from an instrument <br /> recorded in the recorder's office of the county where the rental unit is located; or, written <br /> information or actual knowledge received by the Department; or a review of Department <br /> records that is sufficient to identify information that is reasonably ascertainable. <br /> (y) Person means an individual, corporation,partnership or association, or any other group acting <br /> as a unit, and includes a government, governmental subdivision or agency, business trust, <br /> estate, trust, two or more people having a joint or common interest, and any other legal or <br /> commercial entity. <br /> (z) Premises means a lot, plot or parcel of land, easement or public way, including any structures <br /> thereon. <br /> (aa) Private Inspector means, for purposes of IC 36-1-20-4.1(c)(2)(B)(iii), an inspector of rental <br /> units who satisfies the following qualifications prescribed by the City: must be a State of <br /> Indiana Licensed Home Inspector. <br /> (bb) Private Inspection means an inspection conducted for the purposes of meeting the exemption <br /> requirements under IC 36-1-20-4.1(c). <br /> (cc) Re-Inspection means a follow up inspection or assessment of a rental unit to check for <br /> completion of repairs or compliance pursuant to an Inspection Report. <br /> (dd) Rental Safety Verification Program Warrant (RSVP Warrant) means the court authorization <br /> to enter a rental unit and complete an Inspection Report that the Director may obtain if the <br /> owner or those in possession of a rental unit refuse entry. <br /> (ee) Rental unit means as used in this Article one(1) or more dwelling units in a structure intended <br /> to be occupied or is occupied as a home, residence or habitable space by anyone other than the <br /> owner and may include a tenancy agreement or lease. <br /> (ff) Rental unit community means one (1) or more parcels of contiguous real property upon which <br /> are located in one (1) or more structures containing rental units, if the combined total of all <br /> rental units in all of the structures is five (5) or more rental units and the rental units are not <br /> occupied solely by the owner or owner's family. <br /> (gg) Revocation of Inspection Certificate means the Department canceling an issued Inspection <br /> Certificate whenever it discovers that such certificate was issued in error or based on incorrect <br /> information,or discovers other causes demonstrating a lack of compliance with the provisions <br /> of this Article. <br /> (hh) Short term rental means the rental of a single-family home, a dwelling unit in a single-family <br /> home, a dwelling unit in a two-family or multifamily dwelling, or a dwelling unit in a <br /> condominium, cooperative, or time share for terms of less than thirty (30) days at a time <br /> through a short term rental platform. The term includes a detached accessory structure, <br /> including a guest house, or other living quarters that are intended for human habitation, if the <br /> entire property is designated for a single-family residential use. The term does not include <br /> property that is used for any nonresidential use. <br /> 3 <br />