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Filed in Clerk's Office <br /> SUBSTITUTE BILL NO. 03-19 FEB 2 0 2019 <br /> ORDINANCE NO. KAREEMAH FOWLER <br /> CITY CLERK,SOUTH BEND,IN <br /> AN ORDINANCE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY I I i • : , <br /> INDIANA,AMENDING CHAPTER SIX OF THE SOUTH BEND MUNICIPAL CODE BY <br /> ADDING A NEW ARTICLE 14 TITLED RENTAL SAFETY VERIFICATION PROGRAM <br /> STATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND INTENT <br /> The rental safety verification program is established to protect the public health, safety, <br /> and welfare in rental units by encouraging quality rental housing stock in the City of South Bend <br /> through inspections to verify minimum property standards for occupancy. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of South <br /> Bend, Indiana, as follows: <br /> SECTION I. Chapter 6 of the South Bend Municipal Code shall be and hereby is amended <br /> to include a new Article 14 that shall read in its entirety as follows: <br /> ARTICLE 14. Rental Safety Verification Program <br /> Sec. 6-79. General Concept and Purpose of Rental Inspections. <br /> (a) The Rental Safety Verification Program requires an occupancy inspection of all real property <br /> or rental units that are intended to be occupied or are occupied by anyone other than the owner. <br /> This program is designed to ensure all City of South Bend rental units meet the minimum <br /> property standards of the International Property Maintenance Code, which are incorporated <br /> into this Article 14 without formal citation. <br /> (b) Once the rental unit has been inspected with an Inspection Report and approved for occupancy, <br /> an Inspection Certificate shall be issued by the Department authorizing the rental unit to be <br /> occupied. <br /> (c) The purpose of the Inspection Report and Inspection Certificate issued to the owner or the <br /> property manager (if applicable) is to verify that the rental unit is safe and habitable for <br /> occupancy with respect to: electrical systems, plumbing systems, water and sanitary system, <br /> including hot water, heating and ventilation systems, bathroom, toilet facilities, doors, <br /> windows, stairways, hallways, functioning smoke detectors, lead hazards, indoor air quality, <br /> and the overall structure in which a rental unit is established. <br /> (d) This Article shall be liberally construed and applied to promote its purpose and intent. <br /> Sec. 6-80. Definitions. <br /> 1 <br />