REGULAR MEETING January 14, 2019
<br /> hazards do not adversely impact those low-income status individuals.We have a grievance process
<br /> and I'm glad to report that all of our grievances that have come to my attention have been solved
<br /> informally,promptly and through the system itself. The Plan itself has received initial approval by
<br /> the Indiana Department of Transportation on behalf of the Federal Department of Transportation
<br /> and also by the Public Works Board in its meeting on January 8th, 2019.
<br /> Ms. DeRose went on, Finally, I would like to say this Plan dovetails with the City's Diversity and
<br /> Inclusion Plan. But, in fact, the Diversity and Inclusion Plan is even broader and more
<br /> comprehensive because it provides a way of addressing the subtler forms of discrimination and
<br /> those are the subconscious biases that people have such as the use of language that is not inclusive
<br /> and terms that are not gender neutral. So, with this Plan and the City's Diversity and Inclusion
<br /> Plan, I believe that we can be the model City for the State of Indiana. I believe this strong public
<br /> policy tell those who would hate that this is not tolerated in the City of South Bend.
<br /> Councilmember John Voorde then opened the floor to questions and comments from Council
<br /> Members.
<br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis stated, Thank you for all the work you've done. I really appreciate
<br /> the effort and it really ties into everything we have been talking about tonight. You said there was
<br /> a survey done regarding the different elements of places that need to be done. Now when you came
<br /> up with that information, did you rank them all?
<br /> Ms. DeRose replied, We did not rank them. What we did was all City-service buildings are of the
<br /> same rank. Government Centers are of the highest priority.
<br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis interrupted, Let me put it this way. When you evaluated that
<br /> situation and you realized that some are at higher levels than others,then do we, after we pass this,
<br /> as a part of that process, do we wait until we get a complaint to make the change? Or since in our
<br /> own evaluation, we saw it, and we can go ahead and take it to the level? Where are we on that?
<br /> Ms. DeRose replied, What we want to do is be ahead of the curve, of course, and to maintain. We
<br /> know where there are deficiencies and they have been identified. That is the point of a self-
<br /> assessment is to identify the deficiencies and to remedy them as quickly as possible without
<br /> waiting for a complaint. We don't want a complaint. So, in fact, and there is a caveat in the Plan,
<br /> this survey was done in 2015. Since that time, there have been many positive changes made in
<br /> these buildings and facilities, and a lot of improvement. We have not gone back and had the full-
<br /> scale assessment because we know the Venues, Parks & Arts Department is doing some large-
<br /> scale improvements to the parks system and we want to wait until that occurs. We think it will
<br /> show a big improvement.
<br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis interjected, I'm at peace, thank you.
<br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden stated, Thanks, too, for your work on this. I would like to, if we
<br /> could,possibly look at rounding out the record. You know,you point to the historic funding going
<br /> to our parks. Most of that,in the neighborhoods,is dedicated and directed to improving something
<br /> as basic as our restroom facilities, right? While it may not have high excitement for most people,
<br /> it certainly gets to accessibility, right? So, I guess I would like to somehow, either enter into the
<br /> record or tie to this, pin to this, your presentation tonight the My SB Parks website and list of
<br /> projects. We, as a Council,have funded those and have given historic funding toward. And I guess
<br /> as those get accomplished and checked off the list, why not announce and celebrate the
<br /> improvements that are made?To that point,this Council also funded, for 2018,a PR person within
<br /> our Department of Public Works. I think, frankly, there is no better task than to announce and
<br /> celebrate as these things come online and get done. Why wait until another self-assessment? Let's
<br /> amplify what we are chipping off here. Then my last piece is, similarly to round out the record, is
<br /> the Diversity and Inclusion report, in its entirety, actually included as an addendum to this
<br /> document?
<br /> Ms. DeRose replied, Not in its entirety. It is only referred to.
<br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden followed up, Ok, I guess I would like, for our public record on this,
<br /> because that is a very comprehensive document and its evergreen, and we are working on it, and
<br /> the Council has had the benefit just recently of an update from Ms. Brooks as the Officer, if there
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