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i,,1\ 51-1?) (1:104-flitS) <br /> COMMITMENTS CONCERNING THE USE OR DEVELOPMENT OF REAL ESTATE <br /> MADE IN CONNECTION WITH A ZONE MAP CHANGE OR PLANNED UNIT <br /> DEVELOPMENT REQUIRED BY THE ST. JOSEPH COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE <br /> In accordance with I.C. 36-7-4-1015,the Owner of the real estate located in St. Joseph County, <br /> Indiana which is described below, makes the following COMMITMENTS concerning the use <br /> and development of the following described parcel of real estate: <br /> LEGAL DESCRIPTION: <br /> 1405 East Howard Street: <br /> The West Half of a tract of land containing five (5) acres described as follows: <br /> Beginning as a point 14.40 chains South of the Northeast corner of the South Half of the <br /> Northwest Quarter of Section 6, Township 37 North, Range 3 East; thence running North 20 rods; <br /> thence West 40 rods; thence South 20 rods; thence East 40 rods to the place of beginning. <br /> Containing 2 1/2 acres, more or less. <br /> 1505 East Howard Street: <br /> A parcel of land located in the South Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 6, Township 37, <br /> Range 3 East, described as follows: <br /> Beginning at a point on the North line of Howard Street, 107 feet West of the West Line of <br /> Twyckenham Drive; thence North 134 feet; thence West 50 feet; thence North 171 feet; thence <br /> West 133 feet; thence South 305 feet to the North line of Howard Street; thence East 183 feet to <br /> the place of beginning. <br /> STATEMENT OF COMMITMENTS: <br /> 1. The buildings fronting Howard Street will have a maximum height of 35 feet and 2 <br /> and 1/2 stories. <br /> 2. A north-south sidewalk will be provided on the west side with public access to <br /> Fredrickson Park on the northwest corner of the project site. <br /> 3. Type B Perimeter Landscaping will be provided on the east side of the property <br /> abutting the drive and parking area. <br /> 4. Type A Perimeter Landscaping will be provided along Howard Street. <br /> 5. The curb cut on the west side of the project will line up with Jacob Street. <br /> These COMMITMENTS shall run with the land, be binding on the Owner of the above- <br /> described real estate, subsequent owners of the above-described real estate and other persons <br /> acquiring an interest therein. These COMMITMENTS may be modified or terminated by a <br /> E:\ZONING\2018\Petitions(Active)\2881-18(SB) 1405 and 1505 Howard\2881 Written Commitments.DOC <br />