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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Mr. Horvath stated, Council one hundred percent(100%) controls that. We won't have any ability <br /> and there's nothing in the ordinance that says anyone else has the ability to raise the rate. It is <br /> always Council. So,when we go to look at impervious surfaces and put the whole proposal together <br /> that will lay out the whole framework,it will change who pays what and how much each individual <br /> pays. Some might pay more, and some might pay less depending on how it's structured. I will say <br /> that we started the rate off low in terms of fully meeting the needs. We had shared in our budget <br /> presentation that there were approximately$3 million of need every year and what we are funding <br /> with this rate was about $1 million of need. We felt it important to get this established and get <br /> moving to at least start funding storm water needs. You could put something in the ordinance for <br /> a cap but by its nature it has to come back to the Council before anything can increase anyway. <br /> Councilmember Tim Scott asked, Is there a way that maybe by the meeting this evening that you <br /> could come up with a date or a commitment to come back to Council to present to us an income- <br /> based rate? I would like to have a commitment from you. I don't know what that looks like or how <br /> long it would take but a commitment to come back to us and report if we can do it or not with the <br /> understanding we do want to do it. I would like to have a literal date and would like to know when. <br /> I think you guys could put together a date and a group to work on that. <br /> Mr. Horvath replied, I have no problem with that. We will be moving forward with that. We will <br /> have a proposal but I can only propose. I would need both Council's and the State's agreement to <br /> move forward with that. But I would think by June 1st, 2019 we could have a proposal that would <br /> lay out what we are thinking. There was a question about software, too. We can add fees to <br /> software, but it is just really tough to add. With Philadelphia's program, they do a percentage of <br /> income and they actually do it by actual income rather than a tiered structure. It would be a lot <br /> easier for us to do it by a tiered structure because then we could attach it to certain bills. If it is <br /> something like what Philadelphia is doing, we would have to go into every single bill. Even with <br /> the new software program, it would still be difficult but it would allow us to bring in a database of <br /> income and then a database of the percentage or whatever the process would be to determine their <br /> rate. But I'm comfortable that by June 1St, 2019, we will have a proposal in front of Council. <br /> Councilmember Scott followed up, Well let's make a date. I would like to follow up on that. I <br /> would like South Bend to be the first(1St) in the State to be proposing something like that. That is <br /> something we need to push downstate and I think this whole group would be there to help you <br /> push downstate. The other thing is, I wouldn't mind looking at some of the construction that is <br /> happening in our City that is using permeable paving. What kind of incentives do we give for that? <br /> Is there anything in the State or nationwide to incentivize that? I know there are requirements for <br /> retaining ponds and what not but that is for later. <br /> Committeemember Oliver Davis asked, What is your name? <br /> Ms. Sutton replied, Barb Sutton. <br /> Committeemember Davis followed up, Ms. Sutton, thank you for coming. If something were to <br /> happen to Ms. Sutton's house this year in her neighborhood, right now, no matter what happens, <br /> there would not be any funds coming out of this starting June 1. I mean, there is nothing coming <br /> out, it would happen this spring, correct? <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY ; INNOVATION INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227 W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 TTD574.235.5567 <br /> 4 <br />