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LAWRENCE P. MAGLIOZZI <br /> LXLCU 11V1. UIRFCTOR <br /> Angela M. Smith <br /> h.pu . Ulr/C(Cr <br /> AREA PLAN COMMISSION OF ST. JOSEPH COUNTY, IN <br /> 227 W. JLFFI:RSON BLVD., ROOM 1130 COUNTY-CITY BUILDING, SOUTH BEND, INDIANS 36601 (3731 133-9171 <br /> MEMORANDUM <br /> DATE: December 28, 2018 <br /> FROM: Jordan Wyatt,Planner <br /> SUBJECT: January 9,2019 Area Board of Zoning Appeals Hearing <br /> Special Exception/Special Use <br /> A special exception use/special use may only be granted upon making a written determination and adopting <br /> appropriate Findings of Fact, based upon the evidence presented at a public hearing, that: <br /> (1)The proposed use will not be injurious to the public health, safety, comfort, community moral standards, <br /> convenience or general welfare; <br /> (2) The proposed use will not injure or adversely affect the use of the adjacent area or property values <br /> therein; <br /> (3)The proposed use will be consistent with the character of the district in which it is located and the land <br /> uses authorized therein; <br /> (4) The proposed use is compatible with the recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan. <br /> 4.Petition of Jupiter South Bend,LLC <br /> Based on information available prior to the public hearing,the staff recommends the Special Exception Use <br /> be sent to the Common Council with a favorable recommendation.The staff recommends denial of the <br /> variance from the required perimeter yard landscaping in the front and from the required foundation <br /> landscaping. <br /> (1) The proposed use will not be injurious to the public health, safety,comfort, community moral standards, <br /> convenience or general welfare. <br /> Locating the proposed use in an industrial area should not be injurious to the public health,safety,or <br /> general welfare of the community. <br /> (2) The proposed use will not injure or adversely affect the use of the adjacent area or property values <br /> therein. <br /> Preserving the façade of the building and installation of landscaping will provide screening to prevent <br /> negative affects on the use or value of the adjacent property values. <br /> (3) The proposed use will be consistent with the character of the district in which it is located and the land <br /> uses authorized therein. <br /> The proposed use is consistent with the character of the GI General Industrial District. <br /> (4) The proposed use is compatible with the recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan. <br /> The proposed use is consistent with the City Plan, South Bend Comprehensive Plan (November 2006): <br /> Objective ED 1.2: Encourage reuse of abandoned and underutilized land and structures. <br /> SERVING ST. JOSEPH COUNTY. SOUTH BEND, LAKEVILLE. NEW CARLISLE, NORTH LIBERTY, OSCEOLA & ROSELAND <br /> W W W.S T J O S E P H C O U N T Y I N D I A N A.COM/A R E A P L A N <br />