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RESOLUTION NO. 01-2019 <br /> A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF SOUTH <br /> BEND,INDIANA,APPROVING THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND'S UPDATES TO THE <br /> CITY'S 2013 ADA PLAN FOR PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT <br /> OF WAY <br /> AND ITS TITLE VI PLAN FOR NON-DISCRIMINATION IN CITY SERVICES, <br /> PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES UNDER THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964 <br /> WHEREAS,in 1990 Congress enacted the Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA)which, <br /> among other things, requires that municipalities throughout the United States adopt standards to <br /> improve access and remove barriers for disabled persons in their use of public facilities and <br /> governmental services; and <br /> WHEREAS, in addition to the ADA, local government is subject to the requirements of <br /> Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that"no person in the United States shall, on the grounds <br /> of race,color,or national origin be excluded from participation in,be denied the benefits of,or be <br /> subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance." <br /> The protection under Title VI has been expanded by South Bend policy and law, and by State and <br /> federal laws to include age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identification, military status, <br /> national origin, English proficiency, and income status; and <br /> WHEREAS, at its meeting on January 8, 2013, this Board through Resolution #2-2013 <br /> approved the City's ADA Transition Plan which identified those sidewalks and curb cuts having <br /> priority for ADA upgrade, which was followed on January 28,2013 by the South Bend Common <br /> Council's passage of Ordinance No. 10219-13 approving that Transition Plan; and <br /> WHEREAS, since January 2013, the City of South Bend, Indiana, has advanced these <br /> objectives through an aggressive sidewalk and curb cut replacement program. These included <br /> sidewalks and curb cuts in downtown South Bend serving public service and commercial buildings <br /> which were upgraded as part of the Smart Streets Program. It has replaced sidewalks in <br /> neighborhoods through a public/private improvement plan over the past several years and intends <br /> to continue doing so under the terms of the ADA Transition Plan; and <br /> WHEREAS, the combined update to the City's Transition Plan approved January 28,2013 <br /> and the City's Title VI Plan: Non-Discrimination in City Services, Programs &Activities Under <br /> the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A for approval <br /> by this Council; and <br /> WHEREAS, the City's updates to and report of ADA accessibility improvements made <br /> since the original Transition Plan was approved is contained in Exhibit A at pages 3 through 10; <br /> and. <br /> WHEREAS,the City's Title VI Plan for non-discrimination in City services,programs and <br /> activities reflects the diversity of the City's population and the vision of the Common Council and <br /> City administration for a truly diverse and inclusive city as exemplified by the City's Human <br />