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Information and Technology Committee <br />February 6, 2008 <br />Page 4 <br />Council President Rouse noted that the taping was one issue, and once all of the issues are discussed <br />that they other issues "may fall off the map" once they are all properly addressed. He noted that <br />there are several individuals present who wish to be heard on all issues. <br />Council Member White noted that there needs to be better transparency on all city matters, and that <br />doing this one correctly will help set the standards. She noted that reaching out to Ivy Tech, <br />SBCSC, and others to partner may also prove to be very productive. <br />Assistant City Attorney Thomas Bodnar suggested that as part of the work product, the taping of the <br />Council's Standing Committee meetings maybe an option for the potential vendors. <br />Dr. Varner indicated that Council Member Dieter had previously suggested that a sample of each <br />vendors work be a part of the RFP process and considered. <br />City Clerk John Voorde noted that as a result of Council President Rouse desiring to have many <br />upgrades in communications for the Council, which he fully supports, He has had the opportunity to <br />receive information from the Indiana League of Municipal Clerk Treasurers. Digital recording- <br />audio only, video only, or both combined are options. He has received quotes on all three (3) <br />methods from BIS Digital, which is Indianapolis based. It would require micro-phones to be hard- <br />wired, and believes that this method may be best. He added that preliminary costs range from <br />$1,200 to $30,000 for equipment and installation. He noted that the demonstration which he and his <br />staff saw focused on a Fort Lauderdale, Florida council meeting. <br />Dr. Varner thanked Mr. Voorde for that information, but noted that permanent record keeping was <br />somewhat different than the agenda items scheduled for today. <br />Council President Rouse noted that he was envisioning a tape recorder used by the Clerk's Office to <br />assist the Chairpersons in their committee meetings. <br />Saint Clair Poindexter of 1046 Georgians Street in South Bend stated that he wanted to be a part of <br />history with four (4) African-Americans now sitting on the Common Council. He noted that he has <br />had his videos posted on He was the first African-American to have a video <br />broadcast on a local television channel. He stated that he "finds it offensive" that set asides are <br />being discussed. He is only interested in getting a job, and wants the process to be fair so that he <br />has an equal opportunity to get this job. He voiced concern about the methods used by the Board of <br />Public Works. <br />Council Member Puzzello stated that the process was open, public and consistent with the law. She <br />was present when the sealed bids to the RFPs were opened. <br />Dr. Varner stated that their was a fair opportunity for all. He is looking for "the best project for the <br />least price". Competitive bidding, utilizing the Board of Public Works is a good method. <br />