REGULAR MEETING November 26, 2018
<br /> recapture the quiet spaces that we have had, as well. We've long wanted an outdoor space to serve
<br /> as a commons and also to do programming. People wanted engaging spaces for young children
<br /> and teens and accessible meeting rooms of different sizes, so we need the flexibility. In 2018 we
<br /> hired Robert A. M. Stern to work on a Master Plan Concept. This was a partnership between the
<br /> City,the St. Joseph Community Foundation and the Library. We chose RAMSA because they had
<br /> outstanding experience in designing libraries and a number of successful projects behind them.
<br /> Ms. Futa went on, So a few concept ideas, when we are imagining what it could be, the first (1St)
<br /> one (1) we want to show you (referencing a slide in the presentation) is children spaces. Our
<br /> children space needs to double and what you see here is a toddler area, in the large photo, with lots
<br /> of things to do. It is very colorful. It is safe because you have that wall there, and there is room for
<br /> parents to talk to each other. We found that parents like to come together at the Library. It is a way
<br /> to make friends and connect with each other. For teens, libraries take over after school when the
<br /> day is done to help them complete their homework. Teens might look like adults but they are a
<br /> vulnerable population. We are the step toward independence in a safe space. We would love to
<br /> throw a lot of technology at the teens but also some creative space and also some space to just
<br /> hang out. Our community living room,our commons, is the place for people from all walks of life,
<br /> all economic categories, to come together. We provide ways to combat social isolation through
<br /> culture and companionship. Then our meeting rooms, we do meetings, trainings and classes of all
<br /> kinds. This will give us the opportunity to expand those offerings for the public. Workforce
<br /> development, we help with resume writing, online applications, other tech help, and we offer
<br /> online course certifications that a lot of people take advantage of.We are constantly helping people
<br /> understand how to use the devices that they have. We are also asked to host meetings for business
<br /> groups, clubs and civic organizations. With the courtyard, we hope to give the community access
<br /> to secure outdoor space for programs and events. In June of this year, we hosted eight hundred
<br /> (800)people in the parking lot for the summer reading kick off Last year, when we had the eclipse
<br /> party, there were five hundred (500)people. It is great to have those people but it is a parking lot,
<br /> and it is not really safe for young kids who are darting in and out there. It will be enclosed and the
<br /> large photo you are looking at (referencing a slide in the presentation) is the National Public
<br /> Library's courtyard where they host all kinds of events, including weddings.
<br /> Ms. Futa continued, So here(referencing a slide in the presentation)is the concept,which I believe
<br /> you have seen before. You see the existing library which will undergo a complete renovation that
<br /> doubles the children space, adds real teen space, study rooms and quiet, along with the liveliness.
<br /> The new space you will see fronting Main Street is the Community Learning Center. It will activate
<br /> that whole block on Main Street and will allow us to offer events before and after hours. The
<br /> auditorium is on the back and that will have the capability for lectures, presentations, candidate
<br /> forums, films and performances. Again, we will be able to offer those in between hours. We have
<br /> tech space coming in along Wayne Street so we will activate that part of the block as well. That is
<br /> going to be connected to the Library but will have its own entrance so we can offer those programs
<br /> before and after hours. We will also have a small café along Wayne Street. Because we are retiring
<br /> our current bond, I think it is important to mention that we have $5 million already approved by
<br /> the County Council and will be asking for another $15 million. This will not raise the tax rate
<br /> above 2017 levels because we are retiring that bond. It will be an even swap.
<br /> Ms. Futa went on, On a more personal note, I want to tell you that I do what I do, at least in part,
<br /> because a Book Mobile saved me when I was a kid. My father was a World War Two (II)veteran,
<br /> he served with Patton. He liberated a concentration camp and he came back with what we now
<br /> know as PTSD. I never knew what kind of a father I would find on any given day. My mother
<br /> loved to read and she read to all four(4)of us,my three(3)brothers and me. When she found there
<br /> was a Book Mobile coming to town, we all left and we got library cards. I checked out as many
<br /> books as they would let me. I went every two (2) weeks when a book mobile came to town and it
<br /> was a way to learn about outside worlds. It was also a way to take myself away from the turmoil
<br /> that was at home. That is my story but it is just one (1) story. There are thousands and thousands
<br /> of stories in our community and we hear them every day. You can be any age and know that there
<br /> is always something going on at the library for you. We are always there, always free, and our
<br /> whole mission is to improve people's lives. That is why we exist. We do it through education,
<br /> learning technology, and bringing people together, and we do it through the power of words.
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