REGULAR MEETING November 26, 2018
<br /> Councilmember John Voorde continued, Well, you started it. First(1St)of all, I would like to echo
<br /> the well spoken words of Councilmember Broden, Councilmember Teshka, and Councilmember
<br /> Davis, too. What strikes me is, when you're part of something like we are part of this community,
<br /> it is our home town, and you want to be proud of what you are a part of. The Library, fortunately,
<br /> is one(1)of the things we can be very proud of We were blessed to have the leadership and vision
<br /> of Don Napoli for so many years.He had to fight over and over with the County Council,primarily,
<br /> and others in the community to implement that vision of the beautiful neighborhood branches that
<br /> we have. Councilmember Davis mentioned his daughter, I used to take my daughter when she was
<br /> just the smallest thing to the River Park branch. And every Saturday it just became a routine. I got
<br /> to know everybody there and it is just a vital part of what you do growing up. So, whether or not
<br /> someone supports this, it is a forgone conclusion, I hope,that this is going to pass and I appreciate
<br /> the vision of Ms. Futa,now, and I'm glad the City is so open to working with other entities across
<br /> government lines. And with the private sector, any successful product or program requires that.
<br /> I'm all for it.
<br /> Councilmember Karen White stated, I would like to say that this is, indeed, a very exciting time
<br /> for me as a member of the Council. Someone made the statement that this is another meaningful
<br /> transformation of the culture of downtown South Bend. The Library, the project and the outcomes
<br /> that will come from the Library is going to be life changing and will last for years to come. I would
<br /> like to thank all the partners. Starting with the City, the Community Investment staff, James and
<br /> your staff, and the Library itself You really moved beyond the imagination. A lot of times we
<br /> imagine what could be and what should be the outcomes of our dreams. But today, I'm quite sure,
<br /> with the action of this Council,we will be moving from the imagination stage to the exciting stage.
<br /> I really appreciate the way the Library went about this. They brought this project to the Council.
<br /> You had a willingness to meet with individual Council Members. You've been in the Community
<br /> Investment Committee and addressed all the questions we had at that time. The way the
<br /> information was shared is really a testament to the excellence and professionalism of the staff of
<br /> the Library. I really commend you,Ms. Futa, for the outstanding work you have done. I would like
<br /> to say that I love going to the Library. I have a routine that I go to three(3) libraries that I visit at
<br /> least twice a month. I tend to start with the Miami Branch, then I go to the LaSalle Branch. That
<br /> one (1) is very important for me because I can remember years ago that the LaSalle Branch had
<br /> been identified as one(1)that was going to close. A group of individuals and community partners
<br /> came together and we really worked with the Library to ensure that would not happen. I was in the
<br /> Library just last Tuesday and I was amazed to see the number of young people in that library way
<br /> after 5:30 p.m. The interaction and engagement was very exciting. It speaks to the point that the
<br /> Library is more than just a place to go in and check out a library book. I'm very supportive. My
<br /> vote will show you how supportive I am and I can't wait to see the end result. Again,
<br /> congratulations to everyone. The partners and the citizens will benefit from this project.
<br /> Councilmember Tim Scott stated,I remember, and there are four(4)of us on the Council here now
<br /> that were present, when Don Napoli came to us about a building that was kind of in the way of
<br /> what you guys want to do now. That was heated and contentious and I remember saying to Don
<br /> that I can't wait to see this progress. And here we are, we are at that stage, which is good. I have
<br /> to commend everybody involved with this. This is truly the partnership that we expect in this
<br /> community. I remember James coming to me asking about TIF Dollars for this. We use it for
<br /> infrastructure and business and nothing could be any better than what we are doing here. We talk
<br /> about return on investment, this is not only return on investment for the City; it is return on
<br /> investment for our citizens in the City and the County. I've asked questions on economic impact
<br /> because I imagine seeing this place with more people than are there now. I drive by it every day
<br /> coming home from work and seeing the cars filling the parking lot and the number of people
<br /> standing outside. It is great going north on Main Street and seeing people coming and going. It is
<br /> truly amazing. My heart goes out to libraries. I grew up in Imperial,Missouri which is twenty(20)
<br /> miles south of downtown St. Louis. We were in Jefferson County which is just across the river
<br /> from St. Louis County. Our closest County Library was in Festus, Missouri and yes, Gavin, there
<br /> is a town called Festus, Missouri. We would have to drive twenty(20)miles to go to the Jefferson
<br /> County Library and we did that every Saturday. I'm old enough that I remember the kids programs
<br /> would show actual film movies of Laurel and Hardy as well as Abbott and Costello. I remember
<br /> sitting quietly in those and then getting books and going home. This is truly the investment that
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