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CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Ms. Duta replied,We have revised the project downwards since the commitment as well so we are <br /> looking at doing some value engineering on the Community Center. We were hoping for a $38 <br /> million project and it is not going to be that but we are comfortable we can get where we need to <br /> be. <br /> Rose Meissner, President of the St. Joseph County Community Foundation with offices located at <br /> 205 West Jefferson Boulevard, stated, When we reached out to Deb to talk about a vision for the <br /> Main Branch of the downtown, we retained an outstanding architect. We had to name a number. <br /> We can't hire an architect and not give them some sort of ballpark. So we started out with a $40 <br /> million number. We wanted to build a kind of building that would be preserved across generations <br /> and, as Councilmember Broden said, it is a once in a fifty (50) year type of project. So we were <br /> hoping$10 from the City, $10 million from private philanthropy and$20 million from the County. <br /> That number did get skinnier now and so I just want to make it clear that I wish it was a bigger <br /> number but if it went up again, it is really restoring what we were trying to accomplish in the first <br /> (1St) place. It doesn't create the opportunity there. If we get bigger and bigger, we will really <br /> struggle to pull off what has already been defined. But,it is a big expansion. Councilmember Davis <br /> was talking about the auditorium. I would like to see film series, lecture series and there is a lot <br /> that could go into a beautiful space like that. I think it is something the City of South Bend would <br /> be incredibly proud of. <br /> Committee Chair Ferlic then opened the floor to members of the public. <br /> Sue Kesim, 4022 Kennedy Drive, stated, I love the library. It is my favorite community asset. I <br /> looked at the State website before I got here. The City of South Bend currently has $290,495,504 <br /> of outstanding debt. $31 million is in interest. I would like to point out that the debt service and <br /> debt bubble are where we have interest and principle payments. We don't get past that debt bubble <br /> until about 2024. So it is going to be really hard to pay for anything before 2024 if you look at the <br /> debt service load that South Bend is facing. So I want you to keep that in mind for the date because <br /> if you bring that on, we may not be able to meet our debt service bubble before 2024. According <br /> to the State, per capita everybody in South Bend owes $2,871.42 on debt. What is recommended <br /> would be eight hundred dollars ($800) less than that, $1,400 maximum per person. South Bend is <br /> already at$2,871 per person in debt. We are double what is recommended, per person, in terms of <br /> our debt load,already. I love the library. If money were no object, absolutely. But last meeting you <br /> guys gave away$8 million in tax abatements.You know,the Ethanol Plant is in an enterprise zone, <br /> they didn't need it. Dairy Queen is known in the industry as a cash cow. Dairy Queen pulls in <br /> money hand over fist, so, you've got to stop giving away money that we need for better things. <br /> That is my opinion but I wanted to make you aware of why we are in this crunch. It is because <br /> you've given too many abatements. Since the Mayor has been in office, he has given over $100 <br /> million in abatements. I don't think we need to give all of those. In terms of debt,we've racked up <br /> $290 million.That is$2,800 per person and that is double of what the State recommends. So either <br /> sharpen your pencils on cutting City budgets or stop doing abatements. Get your financial priorities <br /> straight. Deb knows I love the library. Every time I walk into the library I go,thank you,this is the <br /> best use of tax dollars. I love the library. But very carefully look at our debt service bubble because <br /> we don't clear anything until 2024. <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY INNOVATION I INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227 W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 f 574.235.9173 TTD574.235.5567 <br /> 6 <br />