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10 CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Committeemember Broden then asked, So with regard to those curb cut changes, the Department <br /> of Community Investment and Engineering have signed off on those? <br /> Tim Corcoran, Director of Planning for the Department of Community Investment with offices on <br /> the 14th floor of the County-City Building, stated, I am not aware of whether Public Works has <br /> seen this. We've worked with planning with Brian and his group about some of the written <br /> commitments. But, as far as I know, I can't say whether Engineering has any say on whether or <br /> not the curb cut suffices. I do know the State is responsible for the one (1) on State Road 23 and I <br /> think they see it as an existing curb cut. There were concerns about the one (1) on Douglas Road <br /> and I cannot say for our Public Works Department whether they still have concerns about that or <br /> not. <br /> Mr. Studer stated, At Area Plan, City Engineering made a favorable recommendation for this <br /> project and the curb cut wasn't an issue for them at that time. We just decided to move it further <br /> back from the intersection. And part of the written commitments with the City are in tab one (1). <br /> The last commitment states the curb cut will be at least two hundred (200) feet from the <br /> intersection. We moved it from one hundred and forty(140) to two hundred (200) feet. <br /> Committemember Voorde requested the petitioner to work with Council Attorney Bob Palmer in <br /> adding the written commitment pertaining to automotive service repair on site. <br /> Michael Divita, Planner for the Department of Community Investment with offices on the 14th <br /> floor of the County-City Building, stated, This fiscal plan is for a one point nine (1.9) acre <br /> annexation that has been requested by the property owner of one(1)parcel located at 17730 State <br /> Road 23. This meets the State's contiguity requirements. No capital improvements are currently <br /> planned by the City as part of this annexation.Water is already available along both State Road 23 <br /> and Douglas Road. Sewer is available along Douglas, as well. The adjacent portion of Douglas is <br /> already within City limits. A portion of State Road 23 will be annexed but will still need to be <br /> maintained by INDOT. The annexation area will be added to the fourth (4th) Common Council <br /> District and served by Police Beat Eleven (11), Fire Station Three (3), Emergency Medic Three <br /> (3) and Code Enforcement Area Four (4). These and other non-capital services will be in place <br /> within one(1)year of the effective date of the annexation with response times comparable to other <br /> areas in the City. I ask for Council's adoption of the fiscal plan and I'd be happy to take any <br /> questions you might have. <br /> Committeemember Voorde stated,That is a stretch for Station Three(3)on McKinley.Might they <br /> rely on mutual aid from Mishawaka? <br /> Mr. Divita replied, That is possible. The Fire Department reviews each one (1) of these and the <br /> general comment was that, yes, this is on the edge of their service area. <br /> Committee Chair Davis then asked, But follow what Councilmember Voorde said,do we ever rely <br /> on Mishawaka? <br /> Mr. Divita replied, If there is a larger fire or an emergency, there is a mutual aid agreement. That <br /> is standard procedure for Mishawaka and Clay Fire. <br /> EXCELLENCE ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227 W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574235.9221 f 574.235.9173 TTD574.235.5567 <br /> 5 <br />