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RLGtiL_\R \IEETINC JAN M_ 2 1, BOOS <br />South Bend Police Department radio: <br />- Phil St. Clair <br />Police Chief Darryl Boyl:ins rcconunended that Special Police Commissions be renewed or issued <br />for the following for the purpose of South Bend Fire Department. These commissions do not <br />have the powers of arrest: <br />- Robert Brechtl <br />- Rudv Jimenez <br />Police Chief Darn 1 BO N Ikins recommended that Special Police ComnlisSiorlS be renewed or issued <br />for the following for the purpose of On- street Patrol Parking Enforcement Personnel. l ltcse <br />cowniissions do not inchrde the po«eis of arrest or the carrying of a weapon: <br />- Ricliard Gray <br />- April Stahl <br />Cliff Bronteling <br />Charles Gannon <br />Jerry Ingram <br />Creg Frankhouser <br />Scott Nance <br />0hie1'Darrvl Bovkins recommended that Special Police Commissions be renewed or issued to the. <br />foIIOwinLr Seen riov Officers of Indiana iJniversity South Bend. These Commissions are issued liar <br />the purpose of issuing citations for parking violations where such violations have lines set by <br />Ordinance and State Law. All of their officers are sworn and certified throuzh the State of Indiana <br />by the Indiana Law Lnlorcentent Academm fraining Board. 'these Commissions havc the ,ante <br />authority of as one of our own sNNorn police ollicers in which they have the authority to carry It <br />ycapon and the pimers ofarrest: <br />- Larry B. Miller <br />- Morris DeGevter <br />- Ld\oin Garcia <br />- John Bright <br />- Edward Summers <br />.lames B. NlcC;hee <br />- Curtis Walton <br />- Timothy McNeely <br />- Bruce Villwock <br />This will cntpow�er the abo\ c listed individuals to enforce parking violations on the fo1lovv in,-) streets <br />adjacent to the campus: <br />Mishawaka Ave. from Belleyuc Street inn the west to 1'` Street on the Last: Belle\ uc Strcet from <br />Nli,hawaka Av -enuc on the north to flildreth Sheet on the south; Hildreth Street front Bellevue <br />Street on the west to the campus proper on the east; Fsthcr Strect front Mishawaka Avenue on <br />the north to Hildreth Street on the south; Ruskin Street liom Bellevue Street on the west to the <br />cautpus proper on the east: ?Utt' Street from 1vlishawaka Avenue on the north to Northside <br />Boulevard on the ;oath: Vine Street from ?0 "' Street on the w 2 est to �1� ;, <br />Street on the east: and <br />Northside Boulevard from _' I" Street on the east to N femorial Park on the west <br />It is the reconrntendation of C1iief Bovklns that tic commissions for the followm-g indiN ideals be <br />renew cd or issued for the Department of rode Enforcement. [ llese Commissions are issued for the <br />purpose of Wciting citations for Ordinance violations where such \ iolations have tines set b\ Srtperior <br />Court Judges. Thcse C'onuuissions will also empow er these listed individuals to enforce the Snow Route <br />and Residential Snow Emergencies and to tow vehicles fotald to be in violation of these Ordinances. <br />I hesc (,cnrnn)issicnts also include .lnitnal Control officers whit issue tickets for nuisance violations. <br />These Commissions do not authorize the powers of arrest nor the carryinL or use of a weapon: <br />'ode Enforcement Officers: <br />- C'atherine Toppel - Brian Hay good <br />- Stanlcv J. Molenda - Katrina nester <br />- Karl Hardy - Scott I lon ath <br />I <br />1 <br />L' <br />