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(a Resolution No. � I � l L <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, HONORING <br />ALL POLICE OFFICERS KILLED IN THE LINE OF DUTY AND DECLARING FRIDAY, MAY 18, 2012 AS A <br />DAY OF REMEMBRANCE AND DEDICATION TO ALL SOUTH BEND POLICE OFFICERS AND <br />DECLARING MAY 14TH — MAY 18TH AS POLICE OFFICERS MEMORIAL WEEK IN SOUTH BEND <br />Qh" last year, 166 police officers were tragically killed in the line of duty, with these officers including 155 <br />men and 16 women whose average age was 41 years and whose average years of service was 12 years 9 months; which <br />was an increase from 162 police officer deaths in 2010, reflecting an dramatic increase of 40% from 2009; and <br />6A" the South Bend Common Council further recognizes that on Friday, May 18, 2012 at 1:30 p.m. the <br />Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge # 36 will hold their annual tribute and memorial service at our Police Department <br />Headquarters, to honor all of the South Bend Police Department Officers who have given their lives in the line of duty. <br />On behalf of a very grateful South Bend Community, the Common Council honors these very special police officers: <br />AMA <br />�. <br />r � • <br />1 !! r <br />r }f 3 k �✓ <br />i' <br />Hans Brandt <br />Paul R. Deguch <br />Lewis Keller Delbert Thompson <br />Fred E. Buland <br />Charles E. Farkas, Sr. <br />Neil McIntyre Lloyd Thompson <br />Oscar Christenson <br />Thomas J. DeRue, Sr. <br />Nick S. Polizzotto Howard Wagner <br />Samuel Cooper <br />Ronald St. Germain, Sr <br />Scott Lee Severns <br />The Common Council rededicates itself to assisting the families and friends of each of our fallen officers in trying to help <br />their families rebuild their lives and supporting our police officers serving on the South Bend Police Department today. <br />cX1., cJ,E�g� �t ! 6y a6 W.. led 96.d, (PA , as follows: <br />Section I. On behalf of all of the citizens of the City of South Bend, Indiana, the Common Council hereby <br />publicly commemorates and gratefully honors each and every one of our fifteen (15) members of the South Bend Police <br />Department who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving and protecting the residents of the City of South Bend, Indiana. <br />Section II. The South Bend Common Council honors each of our fifteen fallen police heroes who each have had <br />their 10 -42 called out. All of the South Bend Common Council Members salute all of the fallen law enforcement officers <br />across the country, and their family members, friends and police department colleagues who have been left behind; not <br />because of the way each of them died, but rather because of the way each of these dedicated police officers lived and <br />dedicated their lives and careers to their daily police duties in protecting people and property on a 24/7 basis. <br />Section III. The Common Council hereby declares May 14th — May 19th , as Police Officers Memorial Week in <br />South Bend, Indiana, to coincide with National Police Week which has been annually celebrated since 1962 when <br />President John F. Kennedy designated that May 15th and the week in which it fell as Police Memorial Week. The <br />Common Council urges all citizens to remember and thank those who have given their lives while serving as part of the <br />"thin blue line" standing between the lawful and the lawless. The Common Council further encourages everyone to honor <br />our fallen heroes and their families & friends, and thank our current police officers f =hBe ny services by attending <br />the Police Officers Memorial Service on Friday, May 18, 2012 at 1:30 p.m. at t Police Headquarters. <br />Section IV. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect frorn/h 4*y/its d0tion by the Common Council <br />