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Additional information: (Agency comments) <br />The petitioner has requested variances from the City Board of Zoning Appeals because the site as <br />it exists today does not meet the requirements of the zoning ordinance. Staff supports the <br />variances. <br />5 Criteria (per IC 36-7-4-603): <br />1. Comprehensive Plan: <br />Policy Plan: <br />Principle: Employment opportunities. <br />Goa12: Encourage the economic development of the county and its municipalities. <br />Objective B: Locate employment uses in such a manner that conflicts with residential land <br />uses are minimized. <br />Policy I. Fashion a land use plan that ensures physical separation and/or buffering between <br />employment and residential uses. <br />Land Use Plan: <br />The Land Use Plan does not designate the area for a particular growth. <br />The rezoning does not conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. <br />2. Current conditions and character: <br />The surrounding land use is residential; however, the land uses to the south on Ironwood Drive is <br />mostly commercial. <br />3. Most desirable use: <br />The most desirable land use would be professional office use since the structure was built as an <br />office. <br />4. Conservation of property values: <br />The rezoning should help conserve the residential property values because the office building was <br />constructed in 1972 to be compatible in azchitecture with the residential neighborhood. <br />5. Responsible development and growth: <br />The rezoning is responsible development and growth by bringing the zoning designation into <br />conformance with its intended office land use. <br />Recommendation: <br />Based on information available prior to the public hearing, Staff recommends that the Area Plan <br />Commission send the rezoning petition to the Common Council with a favorable <br />recommendation. <br />Analysis: <br />In 1972, the Common Council rezoned the then vacant, undeveloped property to allow the <br />"construction of the existing building for a doctors office. The rezoning will bring an office <br />building into conformance for its intended land use. <br />Joventino C. Naval and Dimpna D. Naval <br />#2327-OS <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />