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Additional information: (Agency comments) <br />• On June l7, Staff faxed a letter to the design professional recommending that as much of the "SF l " zoning district <br />as possible remain unchanged, most of which contained the 100-year regulatory non-buildable flood zone. This <br />will not affect the development as proposed. Staff supports retaining the City zoning map designation, which <br />was recently adopted on Iv1ay 11, 2004, unless change is necessary. Staff also noted in a letter that the <br />preliminary site plan still lacked residential bufferyard screening, and off-street parking area rear landscape <br />screening. On June 30, Staff faxed a second letter noting that the previous concerns were not addressed on the <br />revised preliminary site plan. ;On June 31, Staff telephoned the design firm informing them that Staff <br />recommendation would be negative without the zoning boundary change. <br />~ Criteria (per IC 36-7-4-603): <br />1. Comprehensive Plan: <br />Policy Plan: <br />Principle: Employment opportunities. <br />Goal 2: Encourage the economic development of the County and its muncipalities. <br />Objective A: Locate employment uses in such a manner that conflicts with residential land uses are <br />minimized. <br />Policy l: Fashion a land use plan that ensures physical separation and/or buffering between <br />employment and residential uses. <br />Land Use Plan: <br />The Land Use Plan does not recommend the property for a specific designated growth. Therefore, the <br />rezoning does not conflict with the Land Use Plan. <br />The rezoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan economic policy, and Land Use Plan. <br />2. Current conditions and character: <br />Douglas Road between State Road 23 and Grape Road is in transition from residential to commercial land uses. <br />3. Most desirable use: <br />Commercial and office uses are the most desirable uses for the area of this property near Douglas Road. <br />4. Conservation of property values: <br />The residential bufferyard evergreen trees and perimeter parkinglot rear landscaping requirements are not met on <br />the preliminary site plan. The surrounding residential properties have.a better chance to retain their values if the <br />City Code is met. <br />~. Responsible development and growth: <br />A more-intensive commercial zoning designation will be responsible development and growth for this area. <br />Recommendation: <br />Based on information available prior to the public hearing, Staff recommends that the Area Plan Commission <br />send this to the Common Council with an unfavorable recommendation unless the majority of the property <br />currently zoned "SF 1" Single-Family is deleted from the petition. <br />Analysis: <br />Although commercial and office development is appropriate where these uses are shown on the site plan, the Staff <br />does not recommend rezoning most of the existing "SFl" District because there is no need to change it. Most of <br />Richard and Ann LaFree <br />#2322-OS <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />