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209 N. MAIN STREET <br />SUITE 207 <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA 46601-1200 <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND STEPHEN J. LUECKE, MAYOR <br />SOUTH BEND WATER WORKS <br />June 8, 2005 <br />Ms. Charlotte Pfeifer, President <br />South Bend Common Council <br />400 County-City Building <br />South Bend, IN 46601 <br />Dear Ms. Pfeifer: <br />JOHN F. STANCATI <br />DIRECTOR <br />PHONE 574/ 235-9322 <br />FAx 574/235-9728 <br />TDD 574/ 235-5567 <br />Enclosed is a proposed Ordinance relating to the issuance of those certain City of South <br />Bend, Indiana, Water Works Revenue Bonds of 2005, in an aggregate principal amount not <br />to exceed $4,710,000 (the "Bonds"). The proceeds from the sale of the Bonds will be used to <br />finance certain improvements to the City's Water Works, including (i) upgrades to the South <br />Wellfield treatment process to address a number of issues with the current treatment system; <br />(ii) expansion of the Cleveland Wellfield; (iii) replacement of the two oldest wells in the City <br />Water Works system (Well Number 2, at the Edison Well Field, and Well Number 3B at the <br />South Well Field); (iv) additions, replacements, extensions and improvements to various <br />water mains, valves, and vaults of the Water Works; and (v) various measures to address <br />security concerns, including additions, replacements, extensions and improvements to fences, <br />gates, lighting, motion detectors and sensors. <br />The enclosed proposed Ordinance is submitted with the request that it be introduced by the <br />Common Council at its meeting on Monday, June 13`'', and that it be considered for passage <br />by the Common Council at its meeting on Monday, June 27'h. I will be the person who will <br />be giving the presentation at the public hearing pertaining to the enclosed proposed <br />Ordinance, and I will be accompanied by our bond counsel on this matter from Barnes & <br />Thornburg LLP. <br />Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. <br />Sincerely, ~IIG~ In Cl~tk's l~~#ICe <br />~ur~ - s Zoos <br />ohn F. Stan I <br />Director JOHN YOafiDE <br />CiiY CLERK, SO. BEND,1[i. <br />c: Charles S. Leone, City Attorney <br />Catherine Fanello, Controller <br />Philip J. Faccenda, Jr., and Alan B. Feldbaum, Barnes & Thornburg, Bond Counsel <br />