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Ordinances Inconsistent Herewith" (the "Ordinance"), and in accordance with the <br />provisions of Indiana law, including without limitation Indiana Code 8-1.5, and other <br />applicable laws, as amended (the "Act"), all as more particularly described in the <br />Ordinance. The owner of this bond, by the acceptance hereof, agrees to all the terms and <br />provisions contained in the Ordinance and the Act. <br />Pursuant to the provisions of the Act and the Ordinance, the principal of and <br />interest on this bond and all other bonds of said issue, the Prior Bonds (as hereinafter <br />defined), and any bonds hereafter issued on a parity therewith are payable solely from the <br />Sinking Fund (the "Sinking Fund") maintained under the Ordinance to be provided from <br />the Net Revenues (defined as the gross revenues of the works remaining after the <br />payment of the reasonable expenses of operation, repair and maintenance) of the works, <br />including all additions and improvements thereto and replacements thereof subsequently <br />constructed or acquired. <br />The City irrevocably pledges the entire Net Revenues of the works to the prompt <br />payment of the principal of and interest on the Bonds and any bonds ranking on a parity <br />therewith, including the "Waterworks Revenue Bonds of 2002" dated June 1, 2002 (the <br />"2002 Bonds"),"Waterworks Revenue Bonds of 2000" dated June 12, 2000 (the "2000 <br />Bonds"), the "Waterworks Revenue Bonds of 1997" dated December 1, 1997 (the "1997 <br />Bonds"), and the "Waterworks Revenue Bonds of 1993" dated November 1, 1993 (the <br />"1993 Bonds") (the 2002 Bonds, the 2000 Bonds, 1997 Bonds and the 1993 Bonds <br />together, the "Prior Bonds"), each authorized by ordinance of the City, to the extent <br />necessary for such purposes, and covenants that it will establish proper rates and charges <br />for services rendered by the utility as are sufficient in each year for the payment of the <br />proper and reasonable expenses of operation, repair and maintenance of the works and for <br />the payment of the sums required to be paid into the Sinking Fund under the provisions of <br />the Act and the Ordinance. If the City or the proper officers thereof shall fail or refuse to <br />so fix and collect such rates or charges, or if there be a default in the payment of the <br />interest on or principal of this bond, the owner of this bond shall have all of the rights and <br />remedies provided for in the Act. <br />The City covenants that for so long as the Bonds and any bonds issued on a parity <br />therewith, including the Prior Bonds, remain outstanding it will set aside and pay into the <br />Sinking Fund a sufficient amount of the Net Revenues for the payment of (a) the <br />principal of and interest on all bonds which by their terms are payable from the Net <br />Revenues, as such principal and interest shall fall due, (b) the necessary fiscal agency <br />charges for paying bonds and (c) an additional amount to maintain the reserve required <br />by the Ordinance. Such required payments shall constitute a first charge upon all the Net <br />Revenues. Reference is made to the Ordinance for a more complete statement of the <br />revenues from which and conditions under which this bond is payable, a statement of the <br />conditions on which obligations may hereafter be issued on parity with this bond, the <br />manner in which the Ordinance may be amended and the general covenants and <br />provisions pursuant to which this bond has been issued. <br />The bonds of this issue maturing on and after January 1, 20_ are redeemable at <br />the option of the City on January 1, 20_, or any date thereafter, on thirty (30) days' <br />-12- <br />