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CLAIMS REVIEW MEETING APRIL 3, 2012 119 <br />Mr. Inks made a motion that the City of South Bend claims be approved as submitted. Ms. Roos <br />seconded the motion, which carried. <br />PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR <br />Mr. Murray Miller, Local No. 645, asked the Board what the purpose is of the light at the <br />intersection of Western Avenue and Laurel Street. Mr. Gilot stated it is for safety and security of <br />pedestrians. He noted it is near the Kroc Center. Mr. Miller asked if it was put up for the Kroc <br />Center. Mr. Littrell added it is also near the Housing Authority Apartments. Mr. Miller stated <br />those apartments have been there for years and there was never a light put up. Mr. Gilot stated <br />the Kroc Center has some 7,000 members and continues to grow; that warrants a traffic signal. <br />He noted when there is a large event at the center, a light is necessary to help with overflow <br />traffic. Ms. Greene added that it is no different than adding a light at an intersection when putting <br />in a mall, or any type of business that increases foot and vehicle traffic. <br />Mr. Miller asked what the situation was with the award of the East Bank Sewer Separation No. 2 <br />at the last Board meeting. He noted the Board stated there was an issue with the award of the <br />project. Mr. Gilot stated the project had to be awarded before the prevailing wage rates expired <br />this week. Mr. Miller asked if the award had to be made or the project had to be bid before the <br />wage rates expired. Mr. Gilot answered that the award has to be made; common wage rates are <br />established when the contract to bid the project is entered into. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />There being no further business to come before the Board, upon a motion made by Mr. Gilot, <br />seconded by Mr. Inks and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:01 a.m. <br />BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS <br />& 4—k <br />Gary'A. Gilot, President <br />Donald E. Inks, Member <br />Kathryn E. Roos, Member <br />ATTEST: <br />in8a M. Martin, Cle <br />