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0,� PERSONNEL AND FINANCE COMMITTEE <br />DECEMBER 12, 2011 <br />Committee Members Present: Tom LaFountain, Chairperson, Oliver Davis <br />Karen White, David Varner <br />Others Present: Derek Dieter, Henry Davis, Ann Puzzello, <br />Timothy Rouse, Al "Buddy" Kirsits <br />Others Present: <br />Agenda: Bill No. 76 -11 <br />Bill No. 77 -11 <br />Bill No. 78 -11 <br />Bill No. 79 -11 <br />Mayor Stephen Luecke, Gary Gilot, Gregg Zientara <br />Kevin Allen, Aladean DeRose, Rita Kopala, <br />Sheri- Miller Story, Don Inks, John Murphy <br />- Rainy Day Fund to Unemployment Comp. Fund <br />- Budget Transfers Among Department for 2011 <br />- Appropriating Funds <br />- Appropriating Enterprise Funds <br />The four bills presented at this meeting of the Council's Personnel and Finance <br />Committee might generally considered year end "house keeping" bills. Each is revenue <br />neutral and meant to rectify year end balances as required by state law. <br />Chairperson LaFountain called the Personnel & Finance Committee to order, noted a <br />quorum present, and called upon City Controller Gregg Zientara to present each bill <br />individually for consideration. <br />Bill N0. 76 -11 <br />Gregg Zientara explained this transfer of $25,000 from the Rainy Day Fund to the <br />Unemployment Compensation Fund was needed due to a shortfall in the Unemployment <br />Compensation fund as a result of Congress extending the length of benefits. Gregg <br />explained that the 2012 budget reflects the anticipated unemployment compensation <br />eligibility. <br />Councilmember White motioned the bill go to Council favorably. Councilmember <br />Varner offered a second and all ratified the recommendation. <br />Bill No. 77 -11 <br />Gregg explained this too was a budget balancing expense neutral bill. More specifically <br />the adjustments were primarily due to increased fuel costs over and above the anticipated <br />amount. Councilmember White asked if the 2012 budget allotment for fuel seemed <br />