<br />Wednesday March 24th.
<br />Resolved by the Board of Public Works of the City of South Bend,
<br />County of St. Joseph, State of Indiana; That it is desired and deemed necessary
<br />to construct a sewer in mellows Street and 'Ewing Avenue from Donald Street to Pro-
<br />posed Erskine Bdulevard all in said City, which , 'from its size and character, As.
<br />not only , intended and adapted for use by the property owners whos epr operty abuts
<br />along the line of said sewer, but is also Intended and adapted for re:ce IV Ing
<br />sewage from collie teral drains already construct d or which may be hereafter con-
<br />struoted,, and the same ;is hereby, .ordered .c ons.truoted :inand along the, following .
<br />line in said City, to -wit; - Beginning at a ma file in the center of Donald v
<br />Street and Pellows Street; thence.south along th center of Pellows Street to the
<br />center of Fox Street with a inch circular sew r; •thence still south along the
<br />c nter of Pellows Street to the north line of Ewing Avenue with a 30 inch circular
<br />sower; thence to the left on - a curve with` a radiim of 30 feet -to a point on the
<br />centerz line of Ewlug-Avenue 10 feet east of the tast line of Pellows Street with
<br />a 36 inch vircular sewer; thence east along the enter ©f Ewing Avenue to a point
<br />10 'feet east 4f the west line of Propesed Erskin Boulevard with a 36 inch air'
<br />cular sewer; thence t o `the right on . a curve with a 30 foot -radius to-a'-o int in the
<br />center of Proposed Erskine Boulevard 10 feet nor h of the south line of Ewing
<br />Avenue with a 36 inch circular sewer, together w th the necessary manholes,
<br />storm water inlets, conduits and house connections to the curb kine along the line
<br />of said improvement, ,,41�,,as is more particularly shown and all,: in ace crdance-
<br />:. with the plans, profiles and detail drawings on file in the off ice of the Department
<br />of Public Works of the City of South Bend, Ind i a.
<br />And -to be built in accordance with the profiles, specifications, detail
<br />,plans, maps and estimates now on file in the office of -the Department of Public
<br />Works of the City, which includes an esrt imate of the proport ion that the cost
<br />df an adequate local `sewer, built along the aboveline, bears. to the cost of the
<br />main sewer, to be. built as follows: The coat of an adequate local sewer, built
<br />along the line above described, is hereby eat ima ed and fixed to be
<br />of the cast of the main sewer to be built along said line as above set forth, whi h
<br />proportion as herein estimated and fixed, shall Ile taken and adopted in all Gem-
<br />putalrions requiring a knowledge of the cost of such local sewer if built along the
<br />line where the main sewer is to be built. The c st of the constriction of said
<br />sewer shall be d iv ided as follows: -
<br />1. So much of such cost shall be a uivaleat to the construction of an
<br />adequate local sewer not adapted to receive sewa a from collateral drains or sewers,
<br />if built along the proposed line as here inabove s t forth, shall be paid by the
<br />abutting property holders and the City of South and, it it be determined that said
<br />City is benefitted by said sewer in the same manner and to the same extent as local
<br />sewers, are paid for by them, under the statutes in such cases made and provided.
<br />2. The excess of cost over and above would be equivalent to the cost
<br />Of a local sewer, if built along said line, shall be assessed against each pie at
<br />of property in the district or &read to be drained and against the City, it it be
<br />determined that the said City Is benef itted by the said sewer, according to the
<br />Manner and method prescribed by law, all of which said property beneficially
<br />affected lies within the following described territory in the City of South Bead,
<br />County of St. Joseph, and State of Indiana, to -wit:- Brginuing at the intersection
<br />of the center line of Pellows Street and Donald S reet; thence east along the center
<br />of Donald Street 148 feet; thence south parallel ith and 128 feet east of the east
<br />line of Pello s Street 472 feet to a point 168 fe t north of the center of Ewing
<br />Avenue; thence east parallel with and 168 feet no th of the center of Ewing Avenue-
<br />-570.3 feet; thence south 324.35 feet; thence east 96 feet; thence south 671.35 feet
<br />thenel�"` last ,�8Z f I —et; � th DO south to the city 1 its line; thence west on the
<br />City Limits line to a point 165 feet east of the enter line of Pellows Street;
<br />thence` south parallel with and 165 feet east of tie center line of Pellows Street
<br />to a point 200 feet south of the south line of Do dyer Avenue; thence west parallel
<br />with and 200 feet south of the south line of Do over Avenue to the center line
<br />