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y "DLZ <br />i; <br />LNGINL[RS • ARCI II II("I S • SCIFNI IS7 S <br />PLANNERS • S(:RVINORS <br />October 19, 2011 <br />RE: Eddy Street Corridor, Conceptual Streetscape Study <br />Page 3 <br />COMPENSATION <br />In consideration for the above outlined tasks DLZ will be compensated on a lump sum basis in the amount of <br />$28,500.00. Our compensation is in accordance with the below breakdown: <br />Preliminary Plan - Task Items 1- 6 ................................ ............................... .....................$10,000.00 <br />Draft Letter Report — Task Items 7 -13 ......................... ............................... .....................$14,400.00 <br />Final Study — Task Items 14 and 15 .............................. ............................... ......................$3,900.00 <br />Proiect Expenses ......... ............................... $200.00 <br />TOTALLUMP SUM FEE ......................................... ............................... .....................$28,500.00 <br />Fees will be invoiced monthly based upon actual work performed to date. Reimbursable expenses are in addition <br />to the Project Expenses stated in the Scope of Basic Services and include, but are not limited to, mileage outside <br />of the South Bend area, document printing (beyond stated quantity of reports) and reproduction of graphic <br />illustrations, copying, and postage. Reimbursable expenses are as needed and with advance authorization. They <br />are payable at a multiple of 1.2 times actual expenses billed to DLZ. <br />ADDITIONAL SERVICES <br />The scope of work beyond basic services established herein shall be considered "Additional Services ". <br />Compensation for such work as requested or required may be provided as negotiated or compensated on an hourly <br />rate basis in accordance with the attached "Standard Fee Structure" (Attachment A). DLZ will not proceed with <br />"Additional Services" without prior written authorization from the Northeast Neighborhood Revitalization <br />Organization. <br />1. Public input/community meetings or additional board meetings to those stated herein. <br />2. Graphics such as perspective sketches or plan renderings in addition to those stated herein. <br />3. Preliminary engineering or traffic studies. <br />4. Development of design or construction documents. <br />5. Topographic or property /plat survey. <br />6. Title research. <br />7. Relocation planning services. <br />8. Coordination with agencies other than those identified herein. <br />9. Utility coordination. <br />