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The City shall not be required to pay for Services that are inconsistent with or <br />in violation of this Agreement nor for any Services performed in violation of <br />federal, state or local statute, ordinance, rule or regulation. <br />Section 16. Confidentiality and Disclosure of Information <br />BWG understands and agrees to comply with the legal requirements of <br />Indiana Code § 5- 14-3 -1 et seq. (commonly known as Indiana's Access to <br />Public Records Act), to the extent applicable, with respect to all <br />documentation. <br />Section 17. Conflict of Interest <br />BWG acknowledges that he or she (or it and its directors, officer, employees <br />and agents), may potentially be deemed to be a "public servant" as defined by <br />Indiana Code § 35- 41 -1 -24. BWG hereby represents and certifies that it may <br />enter into this agreement under Indiana Code § 35 -44 -1 and, to the extent <br />applicable, has executed and filed with the City and the appropriate bodies a <br />Uniform Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement, the form of which is <br />attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A, prior to the City's <br />approval of this Agreement. <br />Section 18. Drug -Free Workplace <br />BWG hereby agrees to make a good faith effort to provide and maintain a <br />drug -free workplace. BWG will give written notice to the City within ten (10) <br />days after receiving actual notice that BWG or an employee of BWG within <br />the State of Indiana has been convicted of a criminal drug violation occurring <br />in the workplace. <br />Section 19. Relationship/Independent Contractor <br />Both parties, in the performance of this Agreement, shall act in an individual <br />capacity and not as agents, employees, partners, joint venturers or associates <br />of one another. The employee(s) or agent(s) of one party shall not be deemed <br />or construed to be the employee(s) or agent(s) of the other party for any <br />purpose whatsoever. Neither party will assume liability for any injury <br />(including death) to any person(s), or damage to any property, arising out of <br />the acts or omissions of the agents, employees or subcontractors of the other <br />party. BWG shall be solely responsible for providing all necessary <br />unemployment and workers' compensation insurance for BWG's employees. <br />BWG is solely responsible for compliance with federal, state and local laws <br />and regulations relating to taxes and social security payments that may be <br />required to be made in connection with the compensation provided under this <br />Agreement. The City, however, may file informational returns with the <br />- 7 - <br />