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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting — January 24, 2012 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />A. Public Hearings <br />(11) continued... <br />and expenses related to the Northeast <br />Neighborhood Development Area Allocation <br />Area No. 2. <br />(12) Public Hearing on Resolution No. 2985 <br />determining to appropriate monies for the <br />purpose of defraying the expenses of <br />certain local public improvements for the <br />fiscal year beginning January 1, 2012 and <br />ending December 31, 2012 including all <br />outstanding claims and obligations, fixing <br />a time when the same shall take effect. <br />(Leighton Plaza Retail Space, Leighton <br />Plaza Courtyard and Wayne Street <br />Garage Retail Space). <br />Mr. Inks asked that the record show that the PUBLIC HEARING ON RESOLUTION No. 2985 <br />public hearing file is complete. It contains a <br />copy of Resolution No. 2985 setting the <br />public hearing; a copy of the Notice of the <br />Hearing; and affidavits from the South Bend <br />Tribune and the Tri- County News that the <br />Notice of Hearing was published in those <br />newspapers on January 13, 2012. <br />Ms. Leonard Inks noted that Resolution <br />No. 2985 appropriates $141,277 for the retail <br />space Mr. Inks described. She was happy to <br />report that the retail space is now 100% <br />occupied. <br />Ms. Jones opened the Public Hearing for <br />anyone who wished to speak regarding <br />Resolution No. 2985. There was no one who <br />wished to speak. Ms. Jones closed the Public <br />Hearing for whatever action the Commission <br />wished to take. <br />9 <br />