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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Regular Meeting — January 24, 2012 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br />B. South Bend Central Development Area <br />(5) continued... <br />Ms. Jones asked whether there were any <br />major environmental concerns on this site. <br />Mr. Relos responded that there used to be a <br />gas station at that location. There was an <br />ESA of the site previously. The report <br />identified a tank that had been properly <br />removed. Mr. Rafinski, of Wightman Petrie <br />added that the tank that was identified on the <br />initial report was listed under a different <br />address, so we're not sure the one from this <br />property is gone and cleaned. He believes <br />further investigation is needed. <br />Ms. Jones asked if this proposal includes the <br />further investigation. Mr. Rafinski <br />responded that this proposal would cover any <br />paperwork investigation (a Phase I ESA) of <br />that situation, but not any on -site <br />investigation. <br />Upon a motion by Ms. King, seconded by <br />Mr. Varner and unanimously carried, the <br />Commission approved the Proposal for Phase <br />I Environmental Site Assessment, Asbestos <br />Survey, and Lead Based Paint Report on the <br />former Gates Toyota Sales and Service <br />Facilities. <br />(6) Resolution No. 3005 approving and <br />authorizing the execution of an Addendum <br />to the Master Agency Agreement <br />(ACS/VA Project Exterior Site <br />Improvements). <br />Mr. Relos noted that Resolution No. 3005 <br />approves the Addendum To Master Agency <br />17 <br />COMMISSION APPROVED THE PROPOSAL FOR <br />PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT, <br />ASBESTOS SURVEY, AND LEAD BASED PAINT <br />REPORT ON THE FORMER GATES TOYOTA SALES <br />AND SERVICE FACILITIES. <br />